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  1. #1
    cjmick started this thread.
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    Newbie from NYS, could use a few tips

    Hi There,

    My name is Chris or CJ, I am pretty new to scrapping. Some of my friends been doing it for a few years now. I have been having the darndest time looking for a job around my area, but there isn't really anything. So, I decided I will try doing some metal recycling and cleanouts..etc. I had my first haul yesterday and today, it wasn't that bad at all to be honest. I kept some stuff that would be useful in the process of sorting and such.

    Anyways, I had fun and I enjoy doing this and it is good excercise. I am a big guy and its definitely something I need.

    Only issues I am encountering right now is trying to figure out what is what. I know what copper looks like and aluminum, but some metals im not so sure of. Just going to do some searching in the forum for some help.

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  3. #2
    pjost's Avatar
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    Welcome from South Dakota. Read and Get yourself a magnet.

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  5. #3
    1956's Avatar
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    Welcome there is a ton of information in the different treads do some reading you will learn a bunch I don't know how new you are but the prior post told you to get a magnet first tip if it sticks to a magnet it's worth something If it Does not stick its money start reading and learning. Good Luck.

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  7. #4
    junkisus's Avatar
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    First the magnet next a grinder, its amazing all the places copper and brass hide . I've been doing this for years and I still learn stuff all the time reading on here. Welcome to the forum.

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  9. #5
    cjmick started this thread.
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    Thanks guys! I been using a speaker magnet, does it matter how strong it is?

  10. #6
    pjost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjmick View Post
    Thanks guys! I been using a speaker magnet, does it matter how strong it is?
    A speaker magnet will work just fine. Check with your yard next time you are there. Sometimes they hand out small " keychain" type magnets with their logo or address phone number on them.

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