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Don't know where to start

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  1. #1
    mover1 started this thread.
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    Don't know where to start

    I want to clear several acres of land and make a little money while I'm at it if possible. 30 + years of accumulated "product". Any suggestions where to start and how to find a good place to sell things? There's batteries, radiators, beams, buildings, motors, appliances, pipes, boats and more - of what I'm not sure. I have access to a truck and a trailer, but no heavy equipment. Located in the mid-west.

  2. #2
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mover1 View Post
    I want to clear several acres of land and make a little money while I'm at it if possible. 30 + years of accumulated "product". Any suggestions where to start and how to find a good place to sell things? There's batteries, radiators, beams, buildings, motors, appliances, pipes, boats and more - of what I'm not sure. I have access to a truck and a trailer, but no heavy equipment. Located in the mid-west.
    Any scrap yard will buy most of what you listed. Google scrap yards + your towns name and see what comes up. If you have lots of stuff, get the yard nearest you drop a bin(s) off and fill it/them with scrap. Make sure you sort ferrous and non ferrous. Good luck. Wish i was in your position!
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The copper, alum. wiring, and brass can be worth a whole lot more so as your loading you might want to break some stuff down to separate the different metals or the yard will pay you the lowest price for everything. Even stuff like copper tubing, you'll want to take off the brass fittings.
    We have a section on breaking down different items and you might read up on some of them here. If you have more than one yard available then compare prices and you might want to use both of them for the best payday. Let a magnet be your friend.

    Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap - Scrap Metal Forum
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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