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CoachDomCosta in SoCal

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    CoachDomCosta started this thread.
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    CoachDomCosta in SoCal

    This looks like an informational nirvana type place!!! Many thanks! I do this scrap business as a side business to demonstrate to my high school students. (I'm a high school teacher) I made a YouTube channel where I show my hauls too! (Coach Dom Costa on YouTube)

    This is my why:
    (A quote from my book "Hustling For Cash Money With Metal Recycling!!!)

    How this All Started-Josephine’s Story

    The school year that this story takes place in, the majority of my students consisted of 9th graders in my Integrated Coordinated Science classes. My school mostly had kids from low to moderate/middle income families. 9th graders (14 to 15 years old) at a grade 9 through 12 school are very energetic as they go on the puberty conveyor belt to adolescence and adulthood and can be very immature at times as well. The majority are, for the most part, beautiful human beings who cannot control themselves that well yet.

    Josephine was a member of my classes. She, like so many other of the students, had cell phones. This was at the time when iPhones had been around for about 2 years and were very popular with all of their abilities. Not everyone had one because they or their families could not afford one. Josephine was part of this group and had an older model flip phone. On this day, during the class group activities I was monitoring, she was bemoaning the fact that she could not get one of those phones because she was broke and being 14 she wasn’t even old enough (Los Angeles, California) to even attempt to get a work permit to work at your typical minimum wage fast food institution or store. (You have to be 16 to get one!) This caught my attention because in my experience of being raised by a self-employed building contractor and his bookkeeping wife, you could make way more than minimum wage by hustling and providing a service for others. All of this could be done at ANY age without a work permit! I stopped the class and shared this “Biology of Life” story that I would challenge her “I can’t afford it” mindset by showing how I would make money with NO or little money!

    This is where the journey began for this book: “Hustling for Cash Money With Metal Recycling!!! I turned a $25 start-up investment to over 3k in about 12 months! I did this while sharing this journey with all of my classes. My moneymaking hustling activities consisted of a mix of storage auction resales, yard sales, Craigslist Free resales, small hustle/labor jobs, and of course, metal recycling! These were all done as examples for the kids. This “Biology of Life” story nearly always had a student or two in each class share their service or opportunistic story of their “hustling” escapades. Their money making endeavors ranged from babysitting, yard sales, washing/detailing cars, yard work, housecleaning, selling Christmas Lenox ornaments their Mom was going to throw away on EBay, helping senior citizens with chores, etc… Yes we did cover our “California State Standards for Science”, but we also shared our “Biology of Life” of acquiring the mindset and vision to attempt to earn the money to get that better cell phone, provide for your needs, provide for your family, or help others. A big thank you goes to “Josephine” whose story has inspired many a conversation in many classes since that time to go out, see what you want, get off your butt, plan, act decisively, and get what you want in life! Life is a short ride with an end--get moving kids!!!

    You guys and gals rock! Thank you for the information and inspiration!!!
    Last edited by CoachDomCosta; 05-24-2014 at 10:52 PM.

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