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  1. #1
    jwktrucker started this thread.
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    My name is jwktrucker and I am a _______

    Well there it gets a little fuzzy.
    Scrapper?... Yes
    Dumpster Diver?... Yes
    E-cycler?... Still learning but sure that's a Yes
    Packrat? Much to the disappointment of those pore soles that have to share workshop and storage space with me an infadic Yes
    Artist?... I dabble there are many pieces of salvage I have locked away because I think it is pretty and would be a great ___ for my next work of art. (OK, my first work of art)1
    Horder? No! not that my friends believe me. I do have the capacity to part with my piles of as they call it "junk" I just live in this constant fear that as soon as I throw something away I will find some one that would have bought it from me. For 10 years I have been junking PC's throwing away every thing the junk yard would not buy(like Logic Boards and184 Pentium 2 processor I know because I kept the fans). I have now seen the youtube videos I know this stuff is valuable to someone. The tricky part is finding them.
    "" Hi Would you like my stuff? ""

    I have a small operation working out of my Garage. (it does not fit in my garage any more). Earlier this year my van died and I do not have the funds to replace it right now. This will have detrimental effects on my ability to dive for fresh salvage. I do live by OSU and scraper drive up the ally behind my garage many times a day. So I am getting a large scale to start off my new program. I will offer processed scrape for their raw finds. Like if they find a PC or two I will give them 3lbs of empty cases or other steal scrape for each pound of computers they give me. I will get new stock they will have more total weight at the junk yard they were already going to. I get room in my shop and more time by not waiting in line at the junk yard, No buying gas for a vehicle to haul $0.06 - $0.10/lb steal around. I will have to do some math on it to figure out rates of exchange. I would trade off more ferrous for a computer then I would for a dvd player or a TV. There are 14 Collage Campuses with in 15 miles of my home. If I put the right ads in the right circulars I am sure I will have plenty of E-cycling to keep me so busy I will not have time to miss the dumpster diving. Maybe I should see if there is a thread for the e-cycler/scraper exchange program or I should start one this idea could use some farther discussion.

    jwktrucker?... 2006 I got my CDL. My email account was buried in spam. all of my friends knew me by different names because the username I was using on AIM wast taken on Yahoo, etc... Being a truck driver my only contact with my friends was going to be online. So I scraped all my old usernames and signed up for all the chat and email services I use at the same time checking the availability of a username on all of them before I would commit to it on any of them. JWK my initials Trucker my soon to be occupation. John#####? I did not want to be a number. Funny thing is even today jwktrucker is me... google it I do, last time I got over 20 pages of just me. Profiles for forums and social media or post to blogs I have the most solid web indintaty for some one who spends so little time online. once I get this e-cycling into a full fleged business I was thinking of claiming jwktrucker the dot net/com or the new dot me.

    John Kuczwara
    Columbus OH USA

    1 I have the Aluminum spacers from two 8 platter hard drives. I have friend that make chainmail jewelery. I think the spacers would make great accent pieces in chainmail jewelery.

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  3. #2
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Welcome, from Cincy, to all of your personalities.

    If you happen to find a cure, for the MPJD, (Multi-personality-junkun-disorder) please...DO NOT SHARE IT HERE! We don't wanna getz cured

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  5. #3
    pjost's Avatar
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    Welcome from South Dakota. You sound like a well rounded scrapper to me.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

  6. #4
    jwktrucker started this thread.
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    I have been to Cincy a few times. So hello to the fellow Locals, well you were when my van was working. I love my Ikea bags so worth the 2 hour drive. I did pick up some other stuff while I was there it as Ikea after all. As for curing the MPJD I intend on making it worse

    Business Owner?... let's get the E-cycler right first. I also have to get my mothers house ready to sell. so for now this is a part time thing. In return for all the help I have been giving her she is giving me part of the sale to open a store font.

    I am also working on a contagion. I am teaching my roommate how process PC's. He had fun trying to find all the little tork screws under all the the stickers on hard drive.

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