Hello from sunny Sacramento. I am 38 yr old male : a novice scrapper/soon to be metal detectorist/ground looker/observer/closet stoner dad(get to that later.). . oh and I dumpster dived once so far (ceiling fan!). I feel bad throwing away ferrite. I love unwinding the ol' copper & screw driver spindle. my hands hurt. Watch out for beryllium. Yes there are buyers for lithium ion batteries. I have learned a lot in these few months from you guys. I really appreciate this experience. It excites me and calms me at the same time. Now to the stoner part... Where I live there is this beautiful man made lake with really nice parks..(where i guess stoners like to congregate.) I take my healthy walk every a.m. around it and collect the fallen left overs. I then sneak back into the garage, stuff my pipe, french press some caffeine and break things. It has truly humbled my life. Thanks!