mine is my name, no cool stories
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mine is my name, no cool stories
My fortune cookie said:
You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.
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Have loved the look and sound of Kawasaki KZ 650's and 1000's since I was a teenager. Have drug quite a few home that were left for dead and put life back into them...usually just takes a few hours to tear apart the carbs and clean them then clean up the plugs and points. Unfortunately I haven't touched one since I started scrapping but I do have a '73 Honda 350F four cylinder that needs some CPR.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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Well my name is Grant, and before I found this forum I was doing 3D Geomodeling for Google. On the forum there, I couldn't think of a name so I combined my name with avatar. Grant + Avatar = Gravitar. Short and sweet. Now I use it for pretty much every type of username I need.
Made in China, Recycled in the Republic of Texas!
"When the mind fails, brute force prevails" - CTSSolutions
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Well ironically enough i play tuba. And it seemed to be on here that everyone was ready to help and thats like my tuba section so i stuck with it.
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We are trashing a good thread.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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Nothing very imaginative about mine, I live in Ohio and I scrap. Love reading about how everyone came up with theirs though!
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I have been an accountant for a long time. My name on here (Numbers) is what I look at and analyze all day long. Every day, all year long. At the first of the year, one of my clients hired me to work exclusively for them. What do I do now? I look at numbers, all day long. However, working at a bank has lowered my stress level considerably!
I started the ewaste business to give young son a method to earn extra money to pay off his school loans. Fortunately, or unfortunately, (depending on whether my wife can see the pile from the kitchen window) this thing we call scrap has really taken off for us. When the local yard starts taking you into the office to talk price with the door closed, you start to realize that they have determined that you are important to them. We have had a lot of fun and learned a lot. And where did we learn most of it? Right here on Scrap Metal Forum.
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Metalbestos is a stainless steel pipe company in md. It always made me think of some evil transformer when I heard it . I figured it was fitting for the forum. I have never worked for them but I do seem to scrap a lot of there products . Thanks to everyone who has shared .
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I do E-Waste. I started my computer sales/service shop first, though. I bought computers from an electronics recycler about 2-3 hours from me. They always tried to pull funny business on me, so I started becoming smarter and smarter. I ended up getting to the point where I started wondering why I was buying common, run of the mill desktops.
So, I came up with a company name and started advertising. I had others do my radio ads, and even went as far as having someone from the radio station do my voicemail message.
I didn't want the man to know I was competing against him until I could completely sever ties.
That was two years ago. Ironically, I don't think he knows about me yet.
I needed a name. I wanted something unique that he'd never suspect. Something that could be anyone- something that could be interpreted differently. I talked with a friend who runs a computer store on the other side of the country. Somehow, we started talking about cars. She likes to drive the classics.
She drives one of these frequently:
It's an American Motors Matador Coupe. I like AMC stuff for their quirkiness (Have never owned one), and figured "Why not".
Not too exciting, but hey, it's a name. Plus, my competitors don't even know that I've been competing!![]()
Last edited by matador; 06-17-2015 at 01:49 PM.
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my name is Mahomed Saleem Moorad
so my username is just msmoorad
i also use it as my username on any forum that i join on the net
many think im a girl cos it looks like ms moorad
anyways, thats about it.
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All of your stories are great and like the sharing of the info.
Mine is also no biggie, I just took my first name initial and the "ski" off of the back of my last name, yes it's polish, and yes I can spell toboggan, and added my birth year to the end. That was probably about 15 years or so ago, and it pretty much stuck. I've been a member of feebay pretty much from their beginning. I think they are 3 or 4 months older than my account.
Cleaning up the e-waste one company at a time
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OK here is my bore-fest story. Mine is a combination of my first and last name (so no, my name isn't Fred) and then my old hockey jersey number. We all chose our jersey numbers to attempt to confuse the other team (it worked sometimes). Our lineup card in numbers read 59 99 95 5 55 9. Our second line decided to join in that fun and theirs read 68 88 86 6 66 (goalie was still 9, not much confusion coming from the guy with the pads and mask anyway) In full speed game action, you could see where that added to our advantage. My hockey jacket even said "Phred" on the front instead of "Phil". I still talk to most of the guys from that team. And it's funny that we all refer to each other the same way we did back then. Too bad my buddy Pete isn't on here. His jacket said "Junkyard" (he tapped in a lot of garbage goals and rebounds). How perfect that would have been.
So even tho it's not scrap related, this combination has meant something to me personally for a long time now.
Well Tincankeith was giving to me by my now stepson who at the time was 9 and battling ALL (Acute Lymphoma Leukemia) I had started scraping to help offset some of the medical bills. Within the first 2 or 3 times of driving around on trash night I had come home he asked what I got and I would list everything I found (mostly boring my now wife and stepdaughter). Everyone started calling me names in fun and he said Tin Can Keith and it was perfect. He is now 12 and after the 3years of treatment he is doing well. The medical bills are gone for the most part. So now I just do it for vacation money.
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When I was in school [when video games consisted of Packman and Pong] we played a board game called Fight in the Skies, a WW1 airplane game. When I was signing up for a Yahoo email everything I tried was taken. In desperation I typed in the last name of a German ace. I spelled it wrong but it worked and every time I use it it is never taken.
I buy and sell refrigerants, along with remediation and recycling refrigeration equipment. So the Freon part was a given, I just added my first name to it. I started scrapping (farm cleanouts) 40 years ago while I was still in high school.
In computer science, foo, bar, and baz are very common names used to show an example.
In algebra, you have a teacher give a problem like: suppose a class has a certain number of students, x. Of these students, there is a 2:1 ratio of boys to girls. Suppose the number of girls is represented by y. what is the relationship between x and y? (I do appologize if this causes bad flashbacks for anyone)
well in computer science, all of my professors would show examples like: suppose you have a function foo, which accepts two parameters - bar and baz.
So anyway, foobar has been a common name for me for a while. foobarbaz has also been used so my name doesn't get mistaken as a kispelling of fubar-which is another interesting story, but different.
Well like some of the others mine is a bit obvious, my first name is Mike and my last name starts with the letter D. I used this as my name on other forums in the past because I apparently have a very limited memory but have yet to have forgotten my own name. I did forget a my first wife's name while introducing her one time so I have a history of forgetting.
I have enjoyed reading the posts from the others on this thread very much. Also let me take the time to thank all who contribute to a great forum that continues to help me make money and bring me joy. 73 Mike
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
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The origin of my name has to do with my full time job. I analyze crime stats and help put together evidence from crimes where a firearm has been discharged. In shooting incidents where shell casings and bullet fragments are left behind, they are processed for fingerprints,hammer strikes and other markings to see if the same weapon was used in other cases. If there is a link amoung crimes from the evidence we call it a brasscatcher case. The capital lettering was a force of habit when typing up reports. It is easier to read and it's the way the department wants it done. Its an interesting and rewarding job, especially knowing that a hard core criminal is arrested because of the work I helped with.
It also beats getting shot at or having a brick (airmail) thrown off a 10 story apartment roof at you!!!
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
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