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  1. #61
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I almost always wear a hat, it used to be a cowboy hat when I wasn't working, but not working is a rare thing now. Someone that I used to work with and joke around with started calling me Matt In The Hat, and it stuck. On games, I am usually Matt The Knife.

    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    My real name is Ron. Well my truck is Gray. So i go as greytruck. Thought spelling it with "e' was a bit cooler than "a".I call the other local scrappers by the color of thier trucks, there goes Redtruck, bluetruck, Redtruck with sides or car scrapper. You get the idea.
    There was one local guy that used wrought iron railings as sides on his truck....sturdy, but a lot of extra weight. My buddy and I called him "old iron sides" points for who can figure that one out. We kinda laughed when we saw him, because 90% of the time he was pulling into an area empty as we were leaving loaded. He was also one of the ones that the yard guys stood 2 feet away from his truck as he unloaded.

    We use futon frames for sides. Right now my truck has them u-bolted to a ladder rack. I call it "the cage"
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

  2. #62
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    Kbob came from a buddy I used to play softball with. He was a clown an yell at me as I walked up to bat. My wife calls me Kbob,on occasion,some 25 years later.

  3. #63
    Immulmen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattInTheHat View Post
    I almost always wear a hat, it used to be a cowboy hat when I wasn't working, but not working is a rare thing now. Someone that I used to work with and joke around with started calling me Matt In The Hat, and it stuck. On games, I am usually Matt The Knife.

    There was one local guy that used wrought iron railings as sides on his truck....sturdy, but a lot of extra weight. My buddy and I called him "old iron sides" points for who can figure that one out. We kinda laughed when we saw him, because 90% of the time he was pulling into an area empty as we were leaving loaded. He was also one of the ones that the yard guys stood 2 feet away from his truck as he unloaded.

    We use futon frames for sides. Right now my truck has them u-bolted to a ladder rack. I call it "the cage"
    USS Constitution

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  5. #64
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    Caveman is a name one of my buddies calls me. Usually the conversations start something like "So, what did the Caveman do today?" Which I will reply, "Woke up and went bow hunting for deer, followed by collecting some mushrooms for lunch. Then welded something. Collected some old appliances and filled the truck up for a run to the scrap yard in the morning. What you do?" My friend usually responds with something like, "Normal stuff, went to work and watched some tv."

    Also with not having had a haircut in years and being known to start my deer hunting beard in July I do look the part most times. So between doing some stuff that isn't too normal in the city and looking the part, I find Caveman pretty fitting.

  6. #65
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    When I was real young, I had really long hair, since I was growing it out for locks for love, a place where you can send your hair for them to make wigs for cancer patients. It had to be ten inches long from the nape of my neck, so I was a boy with long hair, and I've used that for absolutely every internet site since!

  7. #66
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    Thank you, that's very commendable. A good friend of mine did that a few years ago. It really helps some people cope with their disease when they can get a piece of normal back with new hair.

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  9. #67
    harsas's Avatar
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    Um.... my parents gave it to me. it is the first three letters of my first and last name. Very original, I know. I use it everywhere I go so I am always easily identified.

  10. #68
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    I don't remember the scenario, but some one said I was lucky as mud one day. That evening, I was putzing around on the internet and I joined my first forum....I needed a name. I chose Mudlucky and that has been me ever since.

  11. #69
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    Dam it, pat your a genius really wished I'd thought of this.

    Got really lit off some vodka,two sallows away from alcohol poisoning I beleive, and my buddys grand pa dubbed me tater juice for it. And guess what, it stuck !!! Kind of honor tho, pretty cool old guy.
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

  12. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    Have loved the look and sound of Kawasaki KZ 650's and 1000's since I was a teenager. Have drug quite a few home that were left for dead and put life back into them...usually just takes a few hours to tear apart the carbs and clean them then clean up the plugs and points. Unfortunately I haven't touched one since I started scrapping but I do have a '73 Honda 350F four cylinder that needs some CPR.
    That's what I always wondered. Grew up riding Kawasaki bikes, at the age of 5 had my first mini bike. My dad has a souped up 900 and my brother has owned many 9's and a couple 1000's. Nothing turns any grown man into a reckless teenager again quite like a hopped up kawi.

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  14. #71
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I always wondered about yours Tater, but I was afraid to ask.

    An much props to Longhair for the donation to locks of love. It's a cause I can get behind.

    An yes..Patriot despite that whole football team thing, bloody genius with this thread. You sure have get bonus internet points, don't spend them all in place.

    Sirscrapalot - Taquitos are great at 2 am. - me, while eating a taquito.

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  16. #72
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    Hi all. Well im from New Zealand and I moved to Australia, our two country's are best of mates and just love giving each other **** all in good humour of course , well at first the aussies couldn't remember my name so they just called me kiwi and it stuck.I must say that it is a name that I am proud of and NZ was whereI learnt about srcap going around with my dad picking from curb side throw outs I loved it fro the very fist time I went.

  17. #73
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    I bought some farm land in 2011 that had a lot of old equipment and metal amongst the grown trees. As I started to clean up my first load was 1500# of sheet metal and I came home with $120 cash. When I laid it on the counter my wife was surprised and asked, "What's on these dollars?" I looked at the wad of cash and then at my hands and said that's rust! We both laughed.

    I right there learned that there was money to be made in the old equipment and I better learn what I was doing so I joined the forum and started reading. Thanks to all here I have done pretty well with these old rusty hands. Thanks!
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

  18. #74
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    Patriot - Thank You, for the best thread this year. - If you are standing in one spot, your not going anywhere!

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  20. #75
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhairboy View Post
    I had really long hair,
    I got long hair, havnt cut it in 14 years. The guys at work call me Ponytail or P.T.Thats me holding the door while we took out a frige.[/URL][/IMG]
    Last edited by greytruck; 08-29-2014 at 10:43 AM. Reason: Add pic

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  22. #76
    Kalvlin's Avatar
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    OK here goes- . My name is Kevin. In my younger years , hanging with friends and along with some mass consumption of alcohol some people would start to call me Kalvin. Then at certain times friends would call me Kevlar.
    So I mixed them all together like a Martini and there you go. It is never a taken user name so it works for me.
    Have a great Memorial Day weekend .... Shots for everyone !

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  24. #77
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    I have-not read all your post yet. But my boring, my daughter name is Savannah and I loving to make he works as easy as possible so I took the sn.

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  26. #78
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalvlin View Post
    OK here goes- . My name is Kevin. In my younger years , hanging with friends and along with some mass consumption of alcohol some people would start to call me Kalvin. Then at certain times friends would call me Kevlar.
    So I mixed them all together like a Martini and there you go. It is never a taken user name so it works for me.
    Have a great Memorial Day weekend .... Shots for everyone !
    Crap..we did a time warp an are back in May! Lord help me, this means a double dose of tourons. (There is a difference between a touron an a a tourist an not a touron)

    Happy Labor day!

    Sirscrapalot - Picking on the Kevlar covered Kalvin.
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 08-29-2014 at 12:58 PM. Reason: omg..I'm spelling worse then Romo throws

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  28. #79
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    Way to go Sir, scrap, a, lot,

    funny how you put that together... anyway, I'm a scrapper and a pc fixer, I own two business, so that how I came up with PCSCRAPPER. Been doing computer work, and tablets, phones, and more for over 18 years,

    I joined this forum, ummm not sure now. Its a helpful forum, lots of good people, and lots of valuable information, I like to share and help others as they grow just like we did,

    so.. anyway..

    PcScrapper out.
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
    also our Prices are listed here
    PC Scrappers LLC
    623 S LYON ST SUUTE 200Sioux Falls, SD 57104

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  30. #80
    TheDude80's Avatar
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    Well, I'm the dude so that's what you call me....I'm pretty sure that I had recently watched The Big Lebowski (for any of you who have not seen it, I highly recommend it). The 80 is the year I was born. Great thread Patriot. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day.

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