I was browsing the net, and found this board. I have read some of the many pages here. And found so much useful information. Which has left me with many questions.????
I have not scraped in several years and I don't think I did it even on a small scale in comparison to some the good stories I have read here. I am currently in lower Virginia and looking to pick up a small truck to get back into it. The hunt for me is as fun as the payday. With that being said I be leave the payday may be getting just a lil bigger now.
Because of all the thefts around here, you now need to bring a picture of your load and a copy of your id. This is why I got out of it to much government involvement for the lilbit I was making. But I do miss it and going to try it again.
My storage space is my basement. and I currently have about 200lbs, What really attracted me to this site was all the information.
Thanks for reading.
Picture will be up soon.