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  1. #1
    mario216 started this thread.
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    new to the site and new scrapper any tips or suggestions

    Hey guys i found this site via Google trying to learn more about scrapping i got started with a friend of mine i have a 2000 odyssey so he always called me to take him to the yard here in Cleveland Ohio.

    He only scrap stuff around his house when he needed a quick buck so i thought to myself hey right now i don't have a job i quit my job at direct TV i should give this a try till i found something new.

    been doing it by myself for about 5 days and a total i have made just about $100 dollars and that was really just a 10 hours of driving around a few more hours as well because i been breaking TV's 's down for the copper inside (which i really hate)

    Thinking about not even bothering with TV's i picked up a dryer and a ac and a lawn mower the other day got about $35 of that $100 but here's my problem.

    Friday i went out pick up some things about maybe 150 pounds of scrap.

    I know if i drop off that's about $10 to 15 dollars but Saturday morning before my trip to the yard i broke down a TV and 2 vacuums 2 box fans and not to mention 4 pounds of wiring cords and a found some kind of brass maybe copper lamp base and pole that had to be almost 8 pounds.

    I checked it with a magnet no stick!!! not including all the other stuff i just dropped off and took to the back i only got $13.75 i was pissed because i think i got cheated i don't know but that lamp thing was about 6 to 8 pounds.

    I just felt like i should have got more for the work i did breaking down the materials i got really discourage and feel like i don't want to give it another shot

  2. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum from the Dakota's. This type of life style is not for everyone. If you continue learning everything the hard way, chances are you will become discouraged. An easier way is to read as many threads as you can and learn from the experiences of others. In the upper right hand corner of the forum is a search bar. Type in your interest and old threads will appear. At the bottom of every thread is a list of similar threads. Another option is to go to different categories and start reading. The more time you spend reading, the more efficient your time will be, the more money, and less frustration. Good luck.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    so he always called me to take him to the yard here in Cleveland Ohio.
    because i been breaking TV's 's down for the copper inside
    Read up more in the Electronic side of the forum, cause you have a good buyer less than 10 miles from you. You'll soon learn what to tear down and what not to. You can do a lot of scrapping with a car.

    The circuit boards inside anything are worth some money, some more than others, you'll learn which is which using the info from here.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  6. #4
    HonestScrap's Avatar
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    Your brass lamp base could be die-cast and not brass. (big price difference)


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  8. #5
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    You should know exactly what you have and what the yard is paying before you even think of loading up and going to the yard. The only way this can be achieved is by spending time reading here on the SMF. There's so much great information here and lots of pictures also.
    Welcome to the forum.

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  10. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    You should know exactly what you have and what the yard is paying before you even think of loading up and going to the yard. The only way this can be achieved is by spending time reading here on the SMF. There's so much great information here and lots of pictures also.
    Welcome to the forum.
    Yes, and have a couple of yards you can call for current prices as no two will have the same prices. Some will be higher on certain things while others will be lower.

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  12. #7
    mario216 started this thread.
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    yes i do love this site and im about to start reading past post thank you all for you comments and i had a bunch or circuit boards took them in the the yard last week i definitely would love to know more about that buyer and e scrapping

  13. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mario216 View Post
    yes i do love this site and im about to start reading past post thank you all for you comments and i had a bunch or circuit boards took them in the the yard last week i definitely would love to know more about that buyer and e scrapping
    The escrapping part is in the older threads of the electronic sub-forum, the buyer is in the buyer/seller section.

  14. #9
    numbers's Avatar
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    The best investment you could make to help yourself make more money will be to read what you can on this forum. Not just reading a few posts, not just reading for 15 minutes, but reading for about 15-30 hours. That time spent reading will pay you back more than you can imagine.

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  16. #10
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    I agree with reading the forum in depth. Before I sold my first escrap lot (away from Ebay) I spent roughly 20 hours doing research. I also spend about 3 hours per week on here reading.

    So far I have doubled each year in income for the 3 years I have been doing this.

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  18. #11
    mario216 started this thread.
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    oh i do all the research on the site that's a must hours of reading

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