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It pays to look around sometimes

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  1. #1
    ScrapNinja started this thread.
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    It pays to look around sometimes

    Went to the local scrap yard today to turn in a handful of things. They were going to give me steel price (.06lb) for a few electric motors. I had already checked and it was aluminum wire inside so I knew I would lose money if I took them apart. Most places give .15 to .25lb for motors. And they offered .30lb for some bare aluminum wire. So I said no thanks and went to the yard down the street. The second place I went to made a mistake and gave me .48lb for most of the motors ( they mislabeled them as aluminum ) and .o6lb for some others. Also they gave me copper price for my bare aluminum wire 2.07lb. I noticed the error and said that I would like to take back the motors they weren't going to give me much for. The lady said no problem took those off and for some reason rang the ones they were going to give me .48lb for as alluminum cans 1.59lb. After she did the return, I ended up with more than double the original amount 5 mins prior, which was already way more than I should have got. I cant believe they give morons positions to give money away. So instead of .o6lb for motors I got 1.59lb and instead of .30lb for bare aluminum I got 2.07lb.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    And did you mention it to her for the mistake or just take the money and run?? If it would have went the other way you'd be screaming about now. If it's a steady yard you need to treat them better. Just my .02
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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    msmoorad is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    very true-honesty is the best policy.
    what goes around, comes around.

    if u know she made a mistake, then its your duty to point that out.

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    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    One hell of an intro there. I personally don't believe any of it.

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  8. #5
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    This happened to me on Saturday the girl gave me an extra $20.00 bill. As she handed it me she said the amount and I could see the extra 20 I looked at both tickets real fast and realized the over payment I immediately pointed out the error and returned the money. I got a hug for my honesty but didn't even need that cause my conscience would be clean.

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