Well if figure its about time I get off my butt and say hi. so "howdy''. I'm fairly new to the scraping game. only been scraping for about 4 or so months now and i mainly focus on E scraping. I stumbled into this field through a comb of gererosity and a little U tube searching. I have to say that anyone out there new to escraping and eager to learn how to maximize your profits should serf kerrys "scraping for a Dart '' chanell. His channel and this website have become my digital guide to scrapping.
As for the generosity part. I met a fella off craigs list that has given!!!! me more than I would of ever dreamed so just remember to always be honest and karma will come your way. 5 truck and trailer loads and several jobs awaiting in the future im additicted to this.
My biggist passion is not cash driven, but it helps, but I'm proud to say as a little guy in 4 months I have been able to keep 2 tons of waste out of the land fills.
Im not much of a ranter so theres a bit about me. If your around Little Rock ar send me a message I would really like to know more folks that share the same hobby.
God bless, Be safe, and keeep on scrapin