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people crazy nowadays

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    greyrd started this thread.
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    people crazy nowadays

    got a call to pick up two SD TVs I don't trust going alone so is bringing a gun a good idea?? I'm not a violent person but I just don't trust people.

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    logansryche's Avatar
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    depends on the neighborhood.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by greyrd View Post
    got a call to pick up two SD TVs I don't trust going alone so is bringing a gun a good idea?? I'm not a violent person but I just don't trust people.
    trust your gut - if its that bad - tell them to set them in the driveway or out on the curb - --- when i go to sketchy areas - i always tell them its a liability issue for me to go inside homes cause i don't want to be responsible for any damages

  5. #4
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    Are you licensed to carry a gun?
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Dress up as rambo and show them that YOU"RE crazy!

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  9. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    I'm in full agreement with SOME people caring fire arms, BUT,THAT SAID, I fought wars foreign and some here, with and with out a gun. If any one caries you have to have the intention to kill some one if necessary with out a second thought. To watch a movie or to see some one killed at a distance is one thing. To see it for real is another and something you never never forget. in this situation if the occasion arises it would be up close and personal that is a whole different ball game.

    If you are not prepared to look some one in the eyes and kill them don't carry a gun, 2 TVs aren't worth it.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  11. #7
    greyrd started this thread.
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    Lmao yea I'm license to carry a gun but u never know I seen on the news here a old guy got kill off Craig'slist ad
    Last edited by greyrd; 02-10-2015 at 11:07 PM.

  12. #8
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Are 2 tv's worth your life? Have them set them outside in the drive for you.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  14. #9
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    roof mounted 50cal should do the trick lol

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  16. #10
    sledge's Avatar
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    My .02:
    Set an area that you will go to. (I.E. have a pre-set plan)
    I live just south of Indianapolis.. Sad to say there are PLENTY of zipcodes I just won't go into when I buy a car to scrap in Indy. Not day or night. There are plenty of other areas around me or even north of those zipcodes.. that are far safer and just as profitable.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  18. #11
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Seriously! For 2 flipping TVs??? I've held it back more than once here, but I gotta say "You Americans and your guns!!!" If less of you thought the way this guy does about bringing violence into the world, there would be less violence in the world. I honestly cannot imagine having to think about carrying a gun to do a pick up and if I did, I would never have started scrapping.

    Just think about all the brass, lead and steel that could be recycled into something actually worthwhile if only the military and police had guns!

    The Redcoats are not coming! They are all up here in Canada hiding from crazy Americans waving guns around for no reason. I'm sure I will catch a whole lotta flak (pun intended) for this one, but when I watch the news, I don't hear reports about people being shot in schools or movie theaters, unless the story came from the US.

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    I walked away from the computer but had to come back to point out that I have a baseball bat beside my car seat at all times and ALWAYS have a home made brass knuckle (actually aluminum) in my pocket with my wallet. I am not afraid to use them and would if anyone threatened me or my family, no questions asked.

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  22. #13
    logansryche's Avatar
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    I'm the same way - there's parts of Syracuse I just won't go to for anything. The admiral's not the only one who keeps a bat in the truck for reasons... but I usually have my brother-in-law with me just in case also.

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  24. #14
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    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  26. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    Seriously! For 2 flipping TVs??? I've held it back more than once here, but I gotta say "You Americans and your guns!!!" If less of you thought the way this guy does about bringing violence into the world, there would be less violence in the world. I honestly cannot imagine having to think about carrying a gun to do a pick up and if I did, I would never have started scrapping.

    Just think about all the brass, lead and steel that could be recycled into something actually worthwhile if only the military and police had guns!

    The Redcoats are not coming! They are all up here in Canada hiding from crazy Americans waving guns around for no reason. I'm sure I will catch a whole lotta flak (pun intended) for this one, but when I watch the news, I don't hear reports about people being shot in schools or movie theaters, unless the story came from the US.
    All those reports you see Adiral are not legal gun owners committing the crimes. And wasn't it not to long ago that someone walked into a gov't building in Ottawa and killed a couple of people? Take away guns from legal gun owners and the only ones left will be criminals with guns.

    Let those without sin cast the first stone .
    They can have my gun when when they pry it from my cold dead hand!!!

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  28. #16
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    Seriously! For 2 flipping TVs??? I've held it back more than once here, but I gotta say "You Americans and your guns!!!" If less of you thought the way this guy does about bringing violence into the world, there would be less violence in the world. I honestly cannot imagine having to think about carrying a gun to do a pick up and if I did, I would never have started scrapping.

    Just think about all the brass, lead and steel that could be recycled into something actually worthwhile if only the military and police had guns!

    The Redcoats are not coming! They are all up here in Canada hiding from crazy Americans waving guns around for no reason. I'm sure I will catch a whole lotta flak (pun intended) for this one, but when I watch the news, I don't hear reports about people being shot in schools or movie theaters, unless the story came from the US.
    Most law abiding Americans have guns for the MAIN reason of self protection. I have several guns in my house, but do not carry any of them with me at this time (at least until I get my CC license). A baseball bat and brass (or aluminum) knuckles is not going to do much against a thug armed with a 9mm. And I am not talking about just going to pick up scrap. Unfortunately there are MANY thugs out there with guns, and if I am confronted with one at where ever for what ever reason I am not going to want a knife at a gun fight. And it is not like there is a cop on every street corner. I was in the Marines for 20 years, and we learned to stomp our own snakes. So the term "You Americans and your guns" is painting a way too broad stroke with the brush. More gun control would only do one thing, and that is give the thugs the upper hand, as I very seriously doubt they would voluntarily hand in their weapons. Actually I do believe in one form of gun control, and that is the one that allows me to put all my shots into the X ring. That being said, if someone wants me to pick up scrap in a highly questionable area (as in the above scenario), or one with a lot of gang bangers, I will pass on it as it is not worth the potential trouble. I personally do not go looking for trouble, but will not back down from it if I am in the right. Even when I do get my CC license, I will probably not carry much, but "it is better to have something and not need it than need it an not have it" (this probably my number one favorite saying).

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  30. #17
    pjost's Avatar
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    @wayne: a military veteran like yourself should be exempt from needing a CC permit.


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  32. #18
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    I walked away from the computer but had to come back to point out that I have a baseball bat beside my car seat at all times and ALWAYS have a home made brass knuckle (actually aluminum) in my pocket with my wallet. I am not afraid to use them and would if anyone threatened me or my family, no questions asked.
    I carry an ASP.. Someone thinks they are hot $hit with me.. you can imagine the look on their face when a 24" 3 section steel baton comes cracking open.. I've got a long enough wingspan on my own.. but add 24 extra inches to that.. and All I need to do is get em with the tip and its all over but the cryin!

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  34. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    I'm the same way - there's parts of Syracuse I just won't go to for anything. The admiral's not the only one who keeps a bat in the truck for reasons... but I usually have my brother-in-law with me just in case also.
    I hear the South Side of Syracuse is even WORSE than when I lived there 20 years ago.. My parents are always telling me about how it is spreading to other parts of "The 'Cuse" as well. Shame!

  35. #20
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greyrd View Post
    got a call to pick up two SD TVs I don't trust going alone so is bringing a gun a good idea?? I'm not a violent person but I just don't trust people.
    Since you asked the question, in my humble opinion, no you should not take a gun. As has been pointed out by many, you have to have the mental and physical ability to use it. Worse case scenario is providing a thug with your weapon because you did not use it. If you do decide you have the ability, make sure you have the right ammo. Shooting the right caliber is not enough, you also must consider the bullet type. If this does not make sense, then please do not take a gun.

    It is amazing the number of states that allow open carry, but if you want to be discreet and hide it under the seat or your coat, you have to have a CC permit.

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