I sent you a message, not sure if it worked (im on iPad and sometimes finicky) im from about 30 mins north of conway. I'll be moving back there or closer to conway. Maybe we can work together, well sorta.. Point out loads in our areas or items we have capabilities while the other doesn't. What do you go after? Curbo, purchase, what? Can pm me if you want.
Originally Posted by
woooooooooo ppiiiiiiigggggg,
Welcome back and yep im a local here in. Im in NLR. Nice to finally see a someone here close to here. Oh crap dang it now I gotta work harder to get the same stuff. just kidding im a humble scraper and saw your post and had to ensure that I take the time to say welcome. BTE what area do you call home here. safe journey home and thanks for your service to our country. Take care.