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  1. #1
    barnsley started this thread.
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    Post <span style="font-size:13px;">Fridge compressor</span>

    Hi all. New scrapper barnsley
    im from barnsley but now live in skegness
    in my work im getting quite a lot of kitchen appliances
    microwaves, fridges, hoovers,televisions, cable, washers, infact enything with a plug on.
    Is there anything i can or cannot do with these. I know fridge compressors are a unknown area to me so any advise will be welcome.
    Ill have loads of questions to ask in the future regarding different grades of scrap. Best way to strip etc
    but first i need to know any do,s and donts so i dont break the law in any way
    thank you for adding me admin, looking forward to getting to know you lot
    thanks again

  2. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Welcome to SMF from the Dakota's. First, if the freon has not been removed from the refrigerators you have some challenges. It is a $ 10,000 fine if you are caught releasing it into the atmosphere. You can hire someone to remove it, but there goes your profit. There are several old posts about freon on the forum. The forum also offers the opportunity to get certified to remove freon. There are many experts on the forum on this topic including Freonjoe. In the upper right hand corner of this page is a search bar. Do an advanced search on any topic of interest. At the bottom of each thread is a list of similar threads on the same topic. With the appliances you mentioned, you might want to educate yourself on each one individually. It will make a huge difference between profit and loss. Good luck.
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  4. #3
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Also be careful with microwaves and CRT televisions & monitors. There are plenty of threads on those subjects as well.

    I had to look up Skegness. I thought it was in Norway or something, but I see you are in the UK. I'm not aware of what the laws are there, but check into the proper disposal of CRTs in the area where you live. Over here in the US, it is getting exceedingly restrictive in disposing of them.

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  6. #4
    barnsley started this thread.
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    thank you for the advice. ive got a couple of fridges. exactly whats inside copper i know coil. is there any other non ferous in there and what grade is it. thank you again. barnsley

  7. #5
    billygoat's Avatar
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    I personally won't touch refrigerators. From what I've read in your two posts, you shouldn't either. Please go back and re-read Patriot's post carefully.

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  9. #6
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Fridge compressor

    there is not an awful lot in a basic 'fridge.

    some copper lines, some low yield wire, a power cord, and the compressor. the compressor supposedly have a good copper yield, but is a pain to open.

    'fridges are just the tip of the iceberg. get epa certified for refrigerant and you can do ac's. those have nice copper aluminum coils.

    some people use thier certifications to get thier foot in the door with appliance and Hvac companies
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  11. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    You need a plasma cutter or a gas torch or a large anglegrinder to cut open a fridge compressor.
    Inside it is a electric motor and a basic piston pump.

    There's often a little, less than 20cents worth, of Aluminium in it, and the motor has about NZ$5 worth of Copper wire.

    Its dirty and messy as everything's covered with oil.

    A quick search would give you this info and any other info you could want and need.

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    What information you need depends on the scrapmetal you have. But its all right beside the 'Search' button.

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  13. #8
    nutpie's Avatar
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    Plug in those appliances. If they work, clean them up and sell as used. If they don't work, break them down. You mentioned you do not want to break the law. Purposefully cutting a refrigerant line is illegal, as mentioned above.

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  15. #9
    Jedimaster's Avatar
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    Hi bro im just up the road from u in market rasen I'm in the same boat as u I've now found myself the new owner of 5 fridges a chest frizzer and a full upright freezer that I've got to recycel.
    But u have to be certified by the council to remove fridges and the only place I know that takes them is Simms and they wont £5 off u for each one.

    Now I could use my Jedi mind powers on u ............ That's not the appliances ur looking for ................ U must put them in the back of my truck ................ Now move along

    Now it's time to sit back and let the money roll in lmao.

  16. #10
    barnsley started this thread.
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    jedimaster. could do with some advice. cheers mate

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