Hello all. I'm new here. Only been scrapping for about 2 months so far but have learned Alot from various you tube vids and forums like this one over the past 2 months and have invested in a few hundred dollars worth of scrapping tools etc.. already. I'm lucky to live in a area with tons of scrap yards all around me and I've made about $200 so far just from aluminum and scrap iron so far. I'm still busy pulling all the copper out of everything else, Wires, Motors etc..
I'm so glad I joined this forum btw because right after I joined I saw a link to the
Refrigerant Recovery Blueprint I bought it and now I won't have to keep asking my Uncle to stop over and evacuate the
Freon out of the ACs and fridges for me anymore (He's EPA Certified)
I got really lucky one day on Craigslist and found a HVAC
refrigerant recovery system worth $800 for only $150. The guy owns an appliance store and had only used it twice and sold it to me at such an affordable price God Bless him.
I needed it since I had scored 4 ACs and 3 Fridges after only 3 days of scrapping but had no idea about the EPA rules so I called my Uncle who I knew was certified accept he only had the tanks and tubes still around his house but no machine
so Hopefully I'll be EPA Certified now in a day or two after studying and taking the online test and I can really start putting this puppy to good use myself without having to ask my Uncle to take time out of his busy days and help me anymore.
everywhere else that I looked online was basically saying I'd have to go to an actual college to take this test which was a real game breaker for me as I would not have been able to afford it.
I scrap Everything down to the bone btw If it has copper and Aluminum in it it gets gutted
I'm looking forward to learning from you Veteran Scrappers and trading stories and tips.