Greetings all, first time listener, long time caller.
Have come across this forum on numerous occasions in the past and seriously considering a nice little side business scrapping. Interestingly tonight, two different things I was researching lead me back here, so figured it was time to join up and provide some give and take. I'm currently stripping down about 40 PC's and there was a nice sticky with good comments that helped me out a bit - took me awhile to realize PTS was a person, as being a IT pro, I couldn't figure out what that acronym stood for. It is a good primer for PC parts (raising glass, cheers parttimescrapper). Was also researching
freon recovery and did the EPA research and found a $60 course for the level I - then went looking for equipment costs and found the $27 ebook available here.
With that said, I'm located on the north side of Louisville, KY. I am not looking to exactly maximize profit at this point in my journey and open to working with other scrappers that may want to buy bulk items from me at similar prices that I am likely to get ripped off by scrap yards at being a noob at this point. Would rather get a few lessons and a smaller profit than think back later on money just handed over to a crooked scrap yard.
I am a programmer by trade (relational databases mostly), so anyone with PC, programming questions etc or small programs that they would love to have, I'll happily write and provide to the community in return for the vast knowledge that I know I will obtain from this forum. I checked the box to get emails from members, so feel free to email me as I won't be very active here to start. Anyone local to me that wants to grab lunch some time and steer me straight, lunch will be on me - up to 3 items on any dollar menu (four, if your are okay with an ice water to drink).