If you start small you do not need much to start with.
As soon as you get larger you need employees.
At that point you will then have to start putting your profits back into the company and it will get bigger and bigger.
Then one day you will look over your Grandsons shoulder and relise you have a million $ company.
Actually, starting a Scrapmetal business right now, in India, is a very good time to do it.
India is going to be the next China, with the Government intending to start building new nuclear reactor power statios and fuel at low prices, energy will be quite cheap.
I will give a example of what I know. Its not much....
India has high import duty's on new steel, like 'H' beams, ('I' beams) (RSJ, Reinforced Steel Joists)
But low import duty's on scrap Steel.
If you import used Fridges/Freezers/Air conditioning units. Some can be fixed up quite easyly, and you have a 'refurbished unit' that you can sell.
All it took was some knowledge, a shed, tools, workers. Same new parts like the Thermostat.
If it does not work, you can scrap it down.
Cut open the broken compressor (and hardly any of them are actually 'broken') and extract the about 1 Kg of Copper thats in them and some Aluminium and sell it as bulk scrap metal.
Or even at that point, when its cut open, they can still be fixed.
There was a guy here from the Dominic Republic (leviduty ?) Who did exactly that, import used fridges and make air-conditioning units and refurbished fridges from them.
Electronic scrap is another business that's going to only get bigger.
Knowing what's in computers will make you $$$, networking with recyclers and manufactures will make you even more $.
Being able to check parts for quality and then selling them on will make you $.
Knowing what WIFI card it is in that computer and from networking with other people like yourself, you can sell that WIFI card to a certain person who is making cat doors.....
The cat door will connect to a computer thru the WIFI card.
And by reading the microchip in the cat (RFID tag) the cat door will send a signal to your computer telling you exactly which cat went thru the door and which direction, and at what time, it can also tell you what the cats tempature is....
It can also stop a certain cat or cats from going thru the door, and in what direction at certain programmed times.
This cat door will be something we will have in the near future.
In NewZealand there's a growing call from the general public for cats to be kept inside overnight, this is to protect native birds and help stop lost and feral cats from happening.
At some point this will become law and we cat owners will need cat doors that do this.
The other example is from what I read in a book about China and
One importer of cellphones was selling certain a cellphone to a sign manufacturer at a good profit.
The sign manufacturer was making 'Programmable scrolling LED Signs'.
In that certain cellphone there was a microchip that would control and program the sign.
Using that microchip, a power supply, lots of LEDs, some push button switches and a sign frame _ workers and tools and a shed..
He was making $200+ scrolling LED signs.... Lots of them, out of scrap electronics.