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  1. #1
    Triquetra started this thread.
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    Red face New E-Scrapper Girl From NYC Looking To Learn and Say Hi

    Hi, I'm Triquetra and I'm completely new to this and I'm trying to get starting in E-Scrapping here in New York City. My goal is to earn a little side money and pay some bills, but I don't expect to get rich. In 2012, I was physically disabled at young age. I'm in so much medical debt and since I'm unable to work a conventional job due to my illness. I thought of E-Scraping in addition to my other little online ways (like selling on Ebay) to earn some money. Even though I don't have access to a car and live in a very small apartment, I think its worth a try for the following reasons:

    1. I love technology, taking things apart, and learning all about the gadgets.
    2.I would love to learn Tablet and Cell Phone Repair. I've built a few PCs and did some basic repairs and upgrades for friends and family years back. However, everything has changed in a few years. Lol
    3. A car isn't really necessary since I'm in a major city and don't plan on going to scrap yards in person. I will use Craig's List, Websites and the mail to sell and since I'm forced to use a rolling walker like a senior citizen, I can pick up2 PC towers not to mention whatever I can fit in my camping size backpack I use for groceries and other errands.
    4. I have a closet size area for storage plus a space to put a work table which I think will be a good start since I don't expect to be earning any massive profits.
    5. I have time on my hands with nothing to do.
    6. It is now illegal to put any sort of electronic device or component in the garbage here and people are now told to bring things to recycling event held in only a few parks just 4 Times a year. There must be other ways to legally dispose of things, but its not being publicized very well and New Yorker's hate to be inconvenienced a lot more than they care about obeying the law or the environment. So, people and businesses are both dumping illegally in the open, which could easily be taken off the street, even though trash on the street is property of the Department of Sanitation. (The police are too busy to write you a summons.)
    7.They're are many environmentally conscious people willing to take the time to post that they they have free items up for grabs online where you can contact them an arrange to pick up the electronics (sometimes they're in working condition and not old like this Windows 7 laptop I was given by a good Samaritan!

    I have many questions and a lot to learn, however this seams like a very welcoming community and I look forward to the process.

    Here's my first question: How do you determine if its more profitable to scrap a broken item (that you currently don't posses the knowledge to repair or maybe I don't want to invest in the required repair parts) Should I just sell it as an entire unit as a whole?
    For instance I have several tablets less than 3 years old that won't turn on nor charge, yet don't have any visible damage. Most were less than $100 when new, but there's 1 Samsung. I won't know how to repair a tablet in the immediate future, but I know the more time things sit around, the more they devalue.
    2 More Quick Questions: Are there any other good sites or apps to sell nonfunctional electronics other than Ebay & Craig's List? And do scrap yards or scrap buyers who you mail scrap to require an ESN or Social Security number for tax purposes?

    Thanks so much for having me!

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  3. #2
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    Welcome. You have come home.

    We have several members who have physical limitations(a few mental disorders as well, sort of a joke) myself included. I started scraping while on dialysis(I received a kidney transplant a few years ago).

    I will tell you what I have and will continue to tell others, read the old threads. Why, you will discover things you didn't know you SHOULD know. You will profit sooner and more.

    For me and many others ebay is the best way to sell used, even broken things. Its also the best place to determine current value by checking the "sold" section.

    Troubleshooting and disassemble instructions can be found on Much like here experience using youtube will better equip you appreciate and filter what you see.

    I specialize doing what you say you want to do.

    So first research each laptop and make notes. Tape note to each laptop. You will hate yourself if you don't do this. What question should you be asking yourself while doing the research. Is it really worth your time to repair the computer? Is it easier, quicker and have fewer risks of return just to sell parts instead.

    You mentioned the stuff that needs to go to the scrap yard. Let me address the actual ewaste your are going to have to ship. Read more of the threads but for you fedex box arranged through one of our buyers for pick up at your home would be a great way to ship.

    Place a box near the door and separate the ewaste as it goes into the bigger box. As I recall 60lbs is the maximum amount you will want to ship with fedex. Heavier will get you a special charge for a heavy box. Again accurate info is available in the old threads.

    You will learn more as you go but I will leave you with this the member buyers here on the forum are reviewed regularly by other members who sell to them. Many will assist you in arranging shipping and many buy working items for more than scrap price. You will find the buyers by looking at the top of any page for the "Scrap Buyers And Sellers" button.(I am not currently a buyer).

    73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
    Faceball's Avatar
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    One piece of advice, once you start getting the word out that you are collecting electronics, be prepared to get overwhelmed quickly. Make sure you are not hording complete item. Break things down quickly and efficiently as possible. If you don’t, you may find yourself overwhelmed and loose interest in this “hobby”. Try to do things safely and efficiently so you can discover that new treasure around the corner. Good luck and Welcome !!

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  7. #4
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Welcome from another female e waste scrapper!

    Even though you are limited on space, don't shy away from taking tower PCs. Strictly on a scrap basis, that is where the best parts live.

    Disassemble quickly and give the steel away through craigslist. Or better yet, find a scrapper near you that will come by and pick it up whenever you have two or three shells.

    You'll probably want to stay away from monitors and old tvs. They just take up way too much space.

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  9. #5
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    hello & welcome

    as others have mentioned, the best thing for u would be to team up with someone reliable who does scrap metal & who is not interested in ewaste.
    between the two of u, he/she gets to keep all the metal & u get all the ewaste

    cos if space is tight, u need to strip the metal off the stuff u get as quickly as possible.

    maybe u could keep some non ferrous goodies like copper heatsinks & brass plugs in a jar
    but as far as the bigger pieces go- get rid of them fast

    a word of caution: dont team up with someone immature & who will run their mouth in front of the wrong type of people
    u dont need unwanted attention- u need to be able to work quietly & comfortably.

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  11. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I keep a few of the shoebox sized clear totes around, cause smaller cards, cpu's, ram all fit comfortably yet will stack and not take up much room.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  13. #7
    pjost's Avatar
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    Welcome Triquetra. Very nice introduction. I am inspired by your will and determination despite the physical limitations life has dealt to you. Read up on the forum and follow the advice that has already been given to you and you will do just fine.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

  14. #8
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    welcome from iowa and its wonderful you want to give it a try with limited resources, it will show you the ins and outs fast and how to maximize your money and time spend happy doing something you like plus helping the planet is a good bonus

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