This forum seems to have a lot of great people sharing knowledge. Glad I found it. Looking forward to learning more.
This forum seems to have a lot of great people sharing knowledge. Glad I found it. Looking forward to learning more.
Welcome to the forum from Nashville, Tn.
Welcome to the forums from a sandbar off the coast of NC, an from a former resident of Arizona.
Lots of good folks and info here. Take your time to browse the archives as there is a lot hidden away there.
An if your in Phoenix or near it...I'm sorry. The fine folks of Tucson would welcome you!
Anyhow, good luck an again...welcome to the forum.
Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler.
welcome fromiowa and have fun
Welcome from beautiful downtown Kittery MAINE
Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
God bless little children while they're still too young to hate
It takes a remarkable amount of crazy to live in Maine, or New Hampshire....or anywhere in that frozen NE.
Always good to see you around Sub. You need to come around more often, don't make me send that goats after you...we do have Goat Depot in New Hampshire.
An op....welcome again!
Sirscrapalot - Puts the AWE in awesome.
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