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Doing a project on e-waste

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    Jello started this thread.
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    Doing a project on e-waste

    Hello! I joined this forum to ask a question concerning my school project. I'm collecting old circuit boards to extract the gold from (I'm using proper equipment because I have access to the school's chemistry lab) and I have a picture of a board that has gold color plating that I'm not sure is actually gold plating like you would see on RAM fingers or something. I've tried uploading a picture but the Insert image feature says I'm not allowed to post links and the manage attachments feature is giving me an error message. Your help is appreciated!

  2. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Forum rules doesn't allow us to discuss refining or the use of chemicals to extract gold from anything.
    Welcome to the forum.

    Also you have to have 10 posts in order to post pictures.
    Last edited by jimicrk; 10-29-2016 at 12:52 PM.

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  4. #3
    Jello started this thread.
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    Okay, thanks. I'll continue my search then

  5. #4
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    It's one of those situations where if you have to ask ..... you shouldn't be doing it.

    If you were to set your sights a little lower:

    Most of the boards have the copper plating. Once in awhile you'll see a board with a thin gold plating but they're not that common. Seems like you could take a few scratchings and test for the presence of gold or copper using established standard lab procedures under the direct supervision of someone with a degree in chemistry. ( A teacher or professor ?)

    After it's all said and done you might come to the conclusion that the extraction needs to be done on an industrial scale in order for it to be profitable. We've had guys here that have sent loads out to be refined and the returns are generally pretty dismal.

    You might check out Apple computer company's recycling program too.

    Best of luck in your search !

  6. #5
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    Forum rules doesn't allow us to discuss refining or the use of chemicals to extract gold from anything.
    Welcome to the forum.

    Also you have to have 10 posts in order to post pictures.
    The reason why we are not allowed to discuss refining is because of the extreme hazards involved that can cost you your life. That's no joke.

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  8. #6
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Doing a project on e-waste

    there are several members with experience in this field. etack and noblemetalworks are t Ghana e two most vocal and both stress safety and knowledge. a well written note may get you some I do to use in your project. or maybe your project could turn into reasons why it should not be attempted, including scientific explanations of the danger
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

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  10. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    There's a Soltek motherboard that looks like its Gold plated, very pretty.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 10-30-2016 at 07:39 AM.

  11. #8
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    There's a Soltek motherboard that looks like its Gold plated, very pretty.
    Nice looking motherboards but I like mine better. My wife doesn't like it though. Could be because I have it hanging on the wall in our bedroom.

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  13. #9
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jello View Post
    (I'm using proper equipment because I have access to the school's chemistry lab)
    Having access to something and using it properly are two different animals.

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  15. #10
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuburnEwaste View Post
    Having access to something and using it properly are two different animals.
    I hope the lab is equipped with a fume hood if he insists on doing this.

    Personally, I think people are watching to many youtube videos. I've probably seen every gold recovery/refining video there is and some of them are very scary.

    In one video I watched recently the guy is in his garage. As he is pouring the chemicals into the coffee pot he says it's time to take it outside because he could smell the fumes.


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  17. #11
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Don't waste your time the boards shown above are not gold plated. the most common gold plated board other then finger boards and memory boards are the touch pads on lap tops, the gold is usually under a green coating.

    reclaiming and refining is not that dangerous if you are careful and study the process using household products,
    the problem is most people won't and don't use the proper protections and process. we could easily tell you how but I do not want to feel responsible when some one don't precisely follow directions and ends up dead.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  19. #12
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    With scrap in the toilet price wise I actually thought about doing some E-waste. It's tempting when gold is involved to go in a very unfamiliar direction involving some really nasty stuff used to extract it. As a lifelong truck mechanic I was exposed to Asbestos. So far no ill affects but now knowing the risks I would have taken more precautions but live and learn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jello View Post
    Hello! I joined this forum to ask a question concerning my school project. I'm collecting old circuit boards to extract the gold from (I'm using proper equipment because I have access to the school's chemistry lab) and I have a picture of a board that has gold color plating that I'm not sure is actually gold plating like you would see on RAM fingers or something. I've tried uploading a picture but the Insert image feature says I'm not allowed to post links and the manage attachments feature is giving me an error message. Your help is appreciated!

  20. #13
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I've probably seen every gold recovery/refining video there is and some of them are very scary.

    In one video I watched recently the guy is in his garage. As he is pouring the chemicals into the coffee pot he says it's time to take it outside because he could smell the fumes.


    I wonder if he parked his car in there and closed the door afterwards.

    And I wonder what it looks like now...…

  21. #14
    Breakage's Avatar
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    I wonder if OP has access to the school's insurance as well as it's chemlab. I can't imagine any science teacher or supervisory union signing off on that kind of insanity, though if it's an honest-to-glob school project, maybe there's a Hold-Harmless in play.

    It's not the same as using the shop class band saw to try some extracurricular woodcutting.

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