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  1. #1
    manjelle started this thread.
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    Manjelle again, found a board covered in gold

    Still going through some e-scrap, getting ready to send a small load to test whether this is worth it all. But anyway came across these cards they say sound blaster live, so obviously sound cards, well one had a scratch on the board that was shining, started scraping the enamel off and sure enough front and backside completely layered in gold. I'm sure it's just a few microns thick, but if your into gold recovery may be worth your time to depopulate and recover. Has anyone else ran across these cards, just letting y'all know, didn't see any older streams about these. Knowledge is power. Lol. Included a few pics

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  3. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    If tested these go for more than scrap

    soundblaster card | eBay

  4. #3
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manjelle View Post
    Still going through some e-scrap, getting ready to send a small load to test whether this is worth it all. But anyway came across these cards they say sound blaster live, so obviously sound cards, well one had a scratch on the board that was shining, started scraping the enamel off and sure enough front and backside completely layered in gold. I'm sure it's just a few microns thick, but if your into gold recovery may be worth your time to depopulate and recover. Has anyone else ran across these cards, just letting y'all know, didn't see any older streams about these. Knowledge is power. Lol. Included a few pics
    Don't expect any more than finger board price if your scrapping it.

  5. #4
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    All the Soundblaster brown cards that I've ran across were all gold plated like yours. I don't know of a buyer who pays a premium for them but they will sell on ebay as scrap for about one and a half times the price of regular finger cards.

  6. #5
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    guys that is a soundblaster live is not even a high end audio card. They ran <$100 NEW (back in the day) and can be had now for $30.

    Most of the "gold" is probably gold paint or possibly flashing (ie not going to be able to be recovered much at all). This will go at finger board pricing unless you get some sucker willing to pay more.

    I have one of the higher end soundblaster cards (the enthusiast one) and again is it not even a high end audio got a finger board card at $3-4 or so a pound....good luck
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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