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Hello from Missouri

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  1. #1
    rustbelt started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Dec 2016
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    Hello from Missouri

    I figured I would introduce myself. I just joined after reading asmuch as I can for advice for the last couple months. Im currently attempting to make the plunge into full time scrap metal recycling. I saved enough money working a nine to five for 4 years to put together the needed equipment for scrapping. I quit one day after absolutely feeling like I couldnt go another day as a factory drone. Scrapping part time when I was younger seemed peaceful and satisfying to me. Something I have never felt as a nine to five drone with zero room for improvement in pay or working conditions.

    Its been anxiety inducing investing the money into getting the equipment thus far. Having said that I havent paid full price for anything and have got the best deal I possibly could on my tools, truck, and hauling trailer. Havent broke the bank, or put all of my eggs in one basket by anymeans, so atleast I wont be ruined if this doesnt panout. Steel prices getting as low as they have has made me wonder what im thinking. At the end of the day I plan on doing a mixture of reselling, firewood sales, and scrap metal recycling. Godwilling it works, or worst case scenario I go get a normal job again and have a truck trailer and tools for whenever I need them.

    I wonder how everyone has been doing with scrap steel prices getting so low? They were $40 a ton in central missouri recently.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Jul 2011
    Jacksonville, NC
    Thanked 5,861 Times in 2,713 Posts
    Welcome to the forum. You've done great by reading old threads, keep it up. Each of us have our own situation and what works for me may not for you. Having said that reading the old threads introduces you to other areas of the business that you may be able to work into your way of doing business.

    I started buying electric motors from a neighbor who scraped ac units. I broke down the motors selling the steel, Al, wire and copper separately. I didn't make lots of profit but the physical activity and purpose was just what I needed.

    Now I process computers and sell working parts so the price of steel is not some thing I am very concerned with other that at times I have to pay to get rid of it. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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