Hello to everyone, I'm just some guy who does a bit of this and that.
I found this site looking up info on various things, I'm a computer tech, so I tend to get a small amount of dead boards, I've always been to make money if it was there to be made, and google continuously broght me here almost no matter what I look up.
I'll be educating myself here on anything relating to what i deal with. I looked a lot into refining, scrapping, etc, and have figured I've not NEARLY enough to bother with refining, so I'd just sell boards outright. (I figure if I refine, I'd want a decent sized warehouse, as well as the proper equipment, as it doesn't seem remotely profitable on a small scale).
I'll learn and work my way up to see whats a good path to take, as there are many more ways than I used to think there were. Time will tell.