Hello everyone.
My name is Sarah 35 y.o. and live in Prescott Valley, AZ. I am an RN by trade but am taking some time off from the profession and explore a whole new (to-me) world.
This semester, I decided to take a (art) sculpture welding class and really have become inspired to not only continue my art but to also learn how to recycle metal to make money, collect material for projects and re-home anything in between. I have been reading tons of posts in SMF already and found myself my first project to get started on in the morning. I found an ad on CL for a guy who wants a 1970's-ish mobile home off his property. Property is located at least 3 miles off the main road and in a very rural area. It's free and I have 5 weeks to complete the job. When I met him to look at the aluminum sided mobile home, I couldn't stop smiling! Something inside of me just started bubbling with excitement. My mission: learn the entire process of gutting the inside organizing all elements appropriately then dismantling the aluminum siding and roof and recycling everything I can: Windows, stove, oven, lights, metal, lights, wiring, etc.
I know I have the desire, determination and work ethic to do this. This will DEFINITELY be a HUGE learning process, but I am up for the challenge!

I will post in the appropriate place pictures of the process.
I am really thankful for this forum and for people being willing to help with ideas and aspects to keep in mind (laws, tools, safety, etc.) Without this forum, I don't think I would have found the courage to jump into this project.