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  1. #8
    tski72's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Crystal Lake, IL
    Thanked 361 Times in 200 Posts
    Quote Originally Posted by Knofan View Post
    Than you tski!

    How come you decided not to "go big"? I guess you have an job on the side?
    I have not gone the "go big" aspect due to personal reasons. The "find, separate, sell" ideas have keep me happy with what I do and I'm able to pay my bills with this. I'm not one of those greedy, money hungry corporate sell-outs that has only one care in the world, and that would be how fat is my bank account. I have worked for myself for over 16 years now and have done only two different things, HVAC/R for over 13 years and recycling for the last 5 years, started recycling before closing down the HVAC/R company, and I only stopped the HVAC/R due to my partner destroyed the business and customer base and I could not revive it for myself, I will NEVER work with a partner ever again, lesson learned. As to having another job, nope. This is what I do and I'm happy with the position that I have put myself in. I have been able to work for myself, pay my bills and support my family, and I can be home for the kids when I need to. Not many can say that and mean it.

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