I feel that there is no number directly related to blanket the "need to have" number to make a living. That number depends on a mess of factors. Where you need 6800 usd, I say 3k usd and others would say 2k usd. It all depends on what you expected your cost to live needs to be and where you live. Now the bare basics would be about 3k but my wife would like it to be about 7 or 8k per month and more, but that's a whole different topic. I set my goals for the year and push to meet them. Sometimes its hard and sometimes its easy.
Here in the USA it is a lot different than Sweden I'm sure, so if I where you, I would be looking into the learning the scrap business before quitting your 3 other business's and make sure that scrap is what you want to do. Just keep reading and learning to make sure you have a full feel of what your getting into with scrap, and know your local laws that pertain to that work. You don't want to start something and find out later that you are in the wrong in any aspect. Also make sure those "few big players" can't take you out of the game in some way.
Maybe look into a niche area that you can capitalize on and go big with that. Many guys and girls here do that and make out pretty good I'm sure.
I hope that this helps a little and that I'm not that far out of range. Happy scrapping