Hi I'm new to this site, hope everyone is doing well. my name is Diana and I am trying to find out information about selling lead. I live in CA. I have found some lead that has either been buiried for over 100 years, some submerged in bay water for the same amount of time., there is gelena involved and who knows what. I believe the lead is from the bottom of smelting pots from long ago. Used to help shore of railroad tracks many years ago near a port. Anyway I have already gathered quite a bit. after reading about it I feel i should wait on smelting it for now, it is in a raw form. I'll add some photos later, its really neat looking stuff. I love to recycle, in fact in my younger days when recycling paid better i was SICK with it. now it is more of a hobby/passion. Silly I realize but it is what it is. Anyway after all that I need to find the best place to sell this stuff. thanks Diana