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Greetings from New York City!

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  1. #1
    Doggonecutsy started this thread.
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    Greetings from New York City!

    Hi everyone,

    I am new to the idea of scrapping metal. I discovered this by accident while I was cleaning out my attic and I found a bunch of loose circuit boards and other 1980s/early 90's computer parts that were left up there and I went online to see if they were worth anything and I found out that they can be sold. I sold some of the loose circuit boards and floppy drives to a local scrap metal company but i still have a few complete towers and screens as well as an old epson printer, a bedframe and a bunch of other metal parts up there. I want to make room in my attic as well as make some extra income. The trouble is I do not own a car or have any friends or family that are willing to drive me there so the first time I carried the circuit boards in 3 separate trips on a train and a bus to the scrap metal yard. So for the complete towers and long metal bedframes, I want to take a cab since it is not too far from my house and won't cost much to bring it all at once. Do I need to take out the circuit boards from the towers or can I bring the whole tower there and they will take it out? I can't figure out how to take those circuit boards and other inside parts out. Do you know how much I can get per complete tower including the casing? Thank you in advance.

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  3. #2
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Hey bud, nice to see you're showing interest in scrapping!

    To touch on a few things and probably not answer your questions correctly (lol), let's start here:

    First, i'd just call the yard in question and ask them their price per complete tower, verse board lb price. Personally, it's always been worth it for me to strip out the towers completely. Depending on your market, it could be more lucrative to do that, generally only by a few dollars. But still, mo' money is mo' money.

    As for taking tin the the yard via taxi. Man, that sounds terrible lol. I'm guessing you're going to only get less than 0.50 for the tin you have. Wondering how that would work out when it comes to cab fair, your labor, etc.

    Sounds like you have a unique situation, that's great. Just do as much research as you can here, you never know what you might have, and what it might be worth.

  4. #3
    Doggonecutsy started this thread.
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    I figured it would probably be better to strip it since they told me that the boards are worth more than the tower alone. I just don't know how to go about doing that. I feel it would be a shame to just throw it all out if I can make some money from it. I got 58.00 for my circuit boards and floppy disks/hard drives that I brought in last time. The cab fare shouldn't be more than 10 dollars. But this time I have 8 computer towers, a printer, a bed frame, a heater, assorted smaller metal pieces like door knobs and in the basement I have more stuff too like a few old metal ladders, tools, a big charcoal bbq grill, metal cage parts and more stuff. I wanted to bring it all in one shot.

  5. #4
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doggonecutsy View Post
    I figured it would probably be better to strip it since they told me that the boards are worth more than the tower alone. I just don't know how to go about doing that. I feel it would be a shame to just throw it all out if I can make some money from it. I got 58.00 for my circuit boards and floppy disks/hard drives that I brought in last time. The cab fare shouldn't be more than 10 dollars. But this time I have 8 computer towers, a printer, a bed frame, a heater, assorted smaller metal pieces like door knobs and in the basement I have more stuff too like a few old metal ladders, tools, a big charcoal bbq grill, metal cage parts and more stuff. I wanted to bring it all in one shot.
    its not too hard to figure out how to remove the boards from a tower.
    u just need some screwdrivers

    golden rule: the more work u do by stripping & sorting the different metals & grades of boards, the more u get paid.

  6. #5
    APA's Avatar
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    There is a lot of info on breaking down towers on this forum and also YouTube. There is also excellent buyers on here of escrap. Bed frames and tower shells are going to be difficult to put in a taxi.

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  8. #6
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Hi Deborah, and Welcome to SMF from Indiana...You can strip most PC towers with just a couple everyday screwdrivers within a few minutes...After the first one, you'll be confident... After the others, you'll be an expert...Good Luck...

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  10. #7
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    The cab driver is goanna let you fill up the trunk with scrap metal? If so tip him well!

  11. #8
    Doggonecutsy started this thread.
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    Thank you all for the advice.

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  13. #9
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    In the end, the prices of scrap Iron is not much, but you guys get a lot more for escrap than I think I could get (if I could find a NZ..)

    It would pay to find out the value of your metals. Figure out how much of nonferrous (non magnetic metals) you have, that and escrap is where the $$ are for low volume/weight scrap metal selling.

    In my case, with my low volumes of scrap, I save up the ferrous metals (Iron/Steel) and then get somebody to just pick it up and take it away for free.
    There's no time of mine wasted at all, they get some $$ but only because they are going past with their own load of Iron anyway.

    I only have a car with no towball so I cannot use a trailer, even then I would have to hire a trailer, that's as much as what the metals worth, computer cases/microwave cases/ CRT TV parts/ sheet metal waste/tins etc etc.
    Add, car cost, time involved, its better to just let somebody else do it and concentrate on my NonFerrous.

    I used to have no car, and would carry everything I found home in a sack, on my back, inc up to 4 fridge compressors at a time (40Kgs- 88 Lbs) + the other stuff I found.
    Then I would scrap it all down and fill up a 'man bag' (20lbs Copper wire!) Or an sack (more!) Or 2 x clean 5 gallon plastic paint containers.... (90lbs!!!!) and catch the free midday public bus to the scrapyard.

    Its amazing how much Copper wire you can fit into a paint pail, I used a 2x4 piece of lumber to hammer it all in.
    In value, that's NZ $ 290..... (About US$200) for 2 full paint pails of copper #2, clean Copper wire with varnish on it.

    Old school microwave ovens (anything with fake woodgrain on it) have 2 Lbs + of Copper in them....
    All you need is a Phillips screwdriver, solid hammer, maybe a spanner/crescent.

    Computers, some use a 'Torx' head screws and you need a Torx screwdriver or bits for that. Most others are just normal flathead or Phillips screwdrivers.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 08-04-2017 at 05:42 AM.

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  15. #10
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    Can you set up a video cam of you loading all that stuff in a cab? I would love to see the cabbies face especially with the bed frame and the computer towers.

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