Hi, I am curiosgeorge (George) and I am glad to join this website. I have been scrapping for a long time on a small basis (just sold copper yesterday for $150.) I was led to this website because I am experimenting with extracting platinum and iridium from spark plugs. If you have a lot of time on your hands, it can be done. A troy ounce of either can net you over $900. as of today. Here is my method:
1. Put plug in vise, threads down.
2. Bend curved tip up and snip tip off.
3. Tap ceramic with tool to crack it, then straighten it.
4. Use heavy duty tweezer and slide ceramic off.
5. Snip tip of wire off.
6. When you have collected a pile, soak in Muriatic Acid (paint store) with a little hydrogen peroxide (Cvs).
7. Takes a few days
8. You end up with clean platinum or iridium.
9. Keep the metals separate.
10. Be careful with the acid.
11. Lastly, this is a time consuming process that can be done between your other scrapping endeavors.
12. Oh, I calculate about 300 plugs for a troy ounce.