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Hello from southernIllinois

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  1. #1
    tigstik started this thread.
    tigstik's Avatar
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    Cool Hello from southernIllinois

    Hi All just a 28 year old noob (kinda) in scrapping arts lol
    I've done some more or less "junking" of vehicles and sold some copper a time or 2 but nothing more and id like to figure out what to do with all these junk flatscreens my woman keeps complaining about but I dunno the best route so I sorta ended up here. Btw, I'm a welder, can't really relocate so work is like zilch for me lately and of all the "great" companies "close" sure dont hire much if your honest and tellem ya can get to work license or not with your own transportation

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  3. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Welcome to SMF from the Dakota Territory. Your welding experience will compliment a desire to scrap, if you have any artistic ability. I collect a lot of scrap and create western metal art, although I am not very artistic. I use a lot of horse shoes, rail road spikes, haymes, and all kinds of farm implements. Another field you may want to look into is steam punk art. We talk a lot about selling for more than scrap value here and turning scrap into art is about the maximum payout. Your flat screens will be hard to weld, but they make excellent targets. Good Luck.
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  5. #3
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Hi, and Welcome to SMF from Central Indiana...

    If you search thru some of the older threads, you should find lots of info on scrapping and/or reselling your flat screens...Good Luck...

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