I just joined and wanted to say hello. My brother scraps, i am just starting to help him find and separate metal. We found a pretty good amount of stuff out of the trash last night. Very large hot water heater, aluminium copper pipe, 2 aluminum cooking grills, some stainless, and some light steel.
We just cut up our first pickup truck. pulled cab and front end for a light load. Then removed the engine, and cut up the front half of the frame for a load of steel(not sure what to call grades just yet). still have the rear half to go. and of course we got the radiator, heater core, alt, and starter.
I am interested in learning whats worth separating and what to throw in the metal dumpster. Also, where to find the valuables, like in computers, TV's, and what not. :confused:
I have access to a pretty good amount of materials form my job. I am a mechanic at a dealer. My boss won't let me take the 2+ ton pile of brake rotors

. But I get the electric motors, and i have a nice stash of aluminum engine parts. My co-workers throw copper and aluminum in the trash.
This is a pretty entertaining way to make easy money.
Oh, and I am located in MA.