Its not really worth trying to extract Precious Metals (PM's) from circuit boards yourself.
There's not much in a single board, and every different component requires a different process.
That means you need a huge amount of
escrap to start with, which then leads to multiple processes, at a near industrial scale.
Even then, you would be lucky to get 40% of the Gold, none of the other PM's either, it'll cost heap$ in dangerous chemicals, where one slip will disfigure you for life, leaving you with a greater volume of waste than what you started with.
All for a measly BB pellet sized ball of a unknown percentage of Gold. That you cannot sell because the assay test of it costs more than the Golds worth.
Malaysia does actually process a lot of escrap, so you have the end buyers of escrap 'in your own back yard', so to speak.
That means you should be able to find buyers for your escrap who will pay extra good $$ for it.
This might have something to do with there being Copper mines in Malaysia, the Copper mines refining processes are similar to how PM's are extracted from escrap.
They will extract the Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Silver, Tin, Copper, Zinc, Tantalum & Lead, @ over 90-95% returns. That means they can pay you the value of all the Gold that they extract, while still making a profit on the rest of the PM's.
Do some searching on the internet for escrap buyers & start looking for escrap & learn how to process & grade the boards for sale to escrap buyers and make your money that way.
It takes less time, there's a better $$ return, better for the environment, safer, and once you find a decient buyer, its 'money in the bank'.