Hi! I have been soaking up the forums info and turning it into results (and having some good laughs too). I just wanted to give a general thank you and make my first steps in sharing my experience.

I am in Alaska where the scrap can be easy and the prices crappy. I have been running a shop doing upholstery and furniture repair, which has allowed me to acquire a truck, shop space, and many tools. Now they all serve a second function. I am one who will take apart anything once just to see what is in there. I recently finished pouring my first aluminum bars from a backyard foundry I made with recycled materials. Copper bars are the next experiment. I am also interested in ther processes involved in reclaiming metals from e-scrap.

The scrap situation here seems to be quite different. So much so you may think I am pulling your leg. So I will leave it at that for now. We will get aquainted and I will let it out piece by piece.