When Frank aka Geo from the goldrefining forum was still with the living, I would gift him any foils that I came across as these did not fit into the way I was processing my comb.
I never had the chance to meet Frank face to face but spent many an hour on the telephone with him, I always enjoyed his Irish sense of humour.
I'm not going to get into a long winded story about the broker nor who he is, one thing I learned form dealing with him is to never ever do business with someone who constantly sniffles over the phone.
There will never be another time when I subsidise another ans addictions.
So the best advice I'm able to give here to anyone selling to another person over the internet via emails is to make telephone contact with the person first.
As you wish the foil cut and weighed, one foil is nearly burnt to a crisp, I would suspect some of the precious metals are melted into the crude as nickel from the foil is a good collector of precious metals.
Even though the pone foil is badly eroded both of them paired on the scale weigh in at 4.35 pounds. I could weight up just the near complete foil then the other then subtract the weight from the eroded foil to find out how much foil has escaped. But I really do think the mass is still there in the melted blob.
Tom you can ridicule me all you want, I freely admit that I as Metallix and Stillwater are just as clueless when it comes to identifying one cat from another.
Without prejudiced I buy my cats from the reservations, instead of cash I hand out bingo cards.