Hello there fellow scrappers!

Our team is Belvoir Salvage LLC from Virginia. Our main purpose is recycling various metals from automobiles, trucks (pick-ups and heavy duty beasts), farm equipment and often go out on scrap jobs from demolition or building sites. The biggest source we have is dependent on people no longer wanting their vehicles, which creates our inventory of used auto part sales. Our large scale was struck by lightening so we don't get a huge influx of large metal loads from the locals unless its automotive related or we allow them to leave it for free.

The business owner has been in scrapping for over 10 years and his small team has worked off and on with him through the building of his company. He also has some greenhorns that have learned quickly but there's still so much in the world of metal that one of the teammates discovered this site and she is hoping to utilize the community to enhance knowledge and share experience.

That she would be me, Jane, and you'll be able to tell when I respond vs a team member by the style of typing - I was originally hired to keep track of all the paperwork and my typing skills of 110 words per minute may have had a small influence. What they didn't realize was they hired a work horse who can't be kept in the stable of an office all day. Thus began my journey of learning the trade.
The price of metal has been quite the story this last year. It's been frustrating, its been exhilarating, but mostly, it's been a challenge every step of the way. Luckily, despite all the wear and tear on our machines and bodies, we keep fighting to keep our business alive. The yard we're on has been a scrap dump for as long as anyone here can remember, probably as far back as the 40's, maybe earlier. Belvoir has been here for 3 (almost 4 years) now. We are lucky enough to also be in service area of DC but far enough to enjoy the country side of the mountains, so you can imagine the kinds of things we come across.

We look forward to contributing and learning from this community.

Just a little poll if you're up for it:
Which season is more difficult for scrapping metal --- Summer or Winter??