Hello! Just a part time food delivery driver and computer hobbyist. Its funny, I got a degree in computer maintenance, my A+ certification yet I've been struggling to find a decent job as a technician or in the IT field due to lack of experience yet I need experience to get a job in the aforementioned fields. xD
Still, doing deliveries isn't bad. I make about $14 an hour and make my own schedule. Fuel really isn't an issue because my mom's Civic is really good on mileage and I flip hardware on the side, making any where from $100 to $200 in profit whenever I have the money to spare at the end of the month.
I love digging through computer scrapyards and recyclers because people tend to get rid of perfectly good and usable hardware for no reason. I like to give things a new home in budget builds or as parts for those wanting them for budget builds or spares. I have gotten some duds, it happens when you buy stuff as-is, though it doesn't really hurt my profits given how little I pay to begin with. I'd love to learn about how to make the most out of all the stuff that I get that ends up not working or not worth repairing. I have 8 towers that have boards with bad and bulging caps that would cost what little their worth in replacement boards and bad graphics cards that either don't display, artifact or are otherwise faulty.