So, I use to own Easy Recycle and I have since had to close that down due to a spinal cord injury in 2014 and losing a large amount of money due to employee theft and then ontop of all of that my Father got cancer and spent alot there for treatment and well he still lost his forward to now...I went into trucking to bring money back in and to get out of det. Got my life back on track and started to get back into gold/silver again BUT...on the other side.
Some of yall know who I am and done alot of business with me in the past. Sorry that I had to close my shop down but..hey life happens right? I would like to restart Easy Recycle one day but now buy and sell gold and silver coins/rounds or bars at better rates than local coin dealers/local gold buyers.
I have also been getting known on YouTube alot in the later years
[you can find my YouTube here]
Want to come back here to keep up-to-date on recycle world stuff and answer any questions that I can and maybe be a buyer/seller for some of yall once again! Anyway I will be lerking alot and post here and there.
See yall in other posts.