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Hi, My name is Brandon & I'm trying to get into the Catalytic Converter business. I'm located in Miami,FL. I would like to see how & to who can I sell the Converters? I know a lot of companies here in Miami,FL paying lots of cash for catalytic converters.
If i could offer a suggestion:
The fastest and surest way to find yourself bankrupt and out of business is to dive headlong into something that you really don't know all that much about.
You really ought to know that particular business inside and out before even thinking about going out on your own.
The business end of it really isn't much fun either. Most of the successful business people that i know had to work very hard to get their business off the ground. Maybe 70 hr work weeks for the next 5-10 years to get things up and running ?
After that ... things tend to even out and you can cut back to 50 hrs./week.
Maybe do your forty for a couple of years at a scrapyard that does a lot of cats first ? That's a good way to get your foot in the door.