Hello everybody just want to introduce myself before diving into conversation. I've done some scrapping over the years but nothing big time. I primarily bid on online auctions for industrial medical lab equipment strip them down and sell them on
eBay. Recently I've been focused on precious metals like platinum that I find in thermocouples and other parts of lab equipment that I strip down. I am now highly focused on rhodium (also found in thermocouples) and have been picking up catalytic converters that have high amounts of Rh in them. Now that Rh is worth waaaay more than platinum and audi,bmw,kia,ect..love to stuff their cats with it, I've spent the last two months researching pricing and stockpiling. Now the market is looking really sketchy because of the COVID virus I decided he start selling what I have in stock. I normaly would sell on my ebay account but I have seen weird sketchy stories about eBay being a nightmare with cats so I decided to sell to a well-known online scrap cat buyer.
The " reputable " online scrap cat buyer burned me , he couldnt "find" the model numbers ( they were clear in the text pics I sent him) and paid me 1/3 of his quote. I asked him to just return them to me and I would pay for return shipping. At that point he went silent and I didn't hear from him until the next day. The next day he told me they were processed and he couldn't locate them and I was SOL. Its frustrating because I ended up losing $200, not to mention the weeks of research i did to make sure I was only buying cats that had a high amount of rhodium in them.
Im hoping you guys can help me out by recommending a reputable company that will buy 10 to 15 cats per month. I found the eco-trade group but I feel really uncomfortable shipping material overseas especially after what just happened to me with a well known USA Based buyer.
* On one last note, I mostly do speech to text because the keyboard when these phones are too darn small. Please be patient with my spelling, pronunciation, and sometimes if I sound like a third grader.*