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  1. #1
    cyberdan started this thread.
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    Not new to forum, but it has been a while.

    It seems my last post was in 2016, that was around the time I retired and moved to very Northern Cali. I settled down in a small town just south of Oregon, right on the coast. Bought a lot and had a house built. (by the way my mortgage is half of what I paid for rent in southern California, near Disneyland)

    I had to stop any scrapping because the closest scrap metal yard is a 2.5 hour drive into Oregon and no way was I going to save ferris pieces and take them there. I would lose money every trip. But just a couple months ago I realized there are steel drop off dumpsters a three minute drive from my house. It is a private company and he does not pay for steel. I don't care because computer parts, aluminum, brass, copper and wire is what I like to do. The owner and I have an agreement I will get all CRT and flat screens that he gets and I will drop off all ferris.

    Even though I am retired I will not sit in a rocking chair watching opra all day. I work part time at my local elementary school. For two years I taught computers to 1st graders and I worked with the slower kids in the back of the classroom, then the virus hit. I have not been on campus in a year but worked four days a week with 2nd graders via zoom. But that was only two hours a day. If things work out I will be going back in the fall. I will be working with a brand new teacher in third grade. I have known her for a couple of years because her youngest girl was in my class and she was a good parent coming in all the time and helping. Didn't know she was also getting her teacher credentials.

    I also work (volunteer) as a tour guide at out famous haunted lighthouse. I am starting to do a few things at my sheriff's station. We are forming a missing person's "task force" but it is taking a while to get going. Can't get office space in the main sheriff's station and then we need computers and phones installed. I think some politics are involved that is slowing us down.
    Here I am cyberdan, at yardsales I am dollardan

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Seems like a lot of missing people in that part of the world.........Be careful

  3. #3
    cyberdan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Seems like a lot of missing people in that part of the world.........Be careful
    Not worried too much. I always carry my 9mm legally.

  4. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Could be they just left the state, lots of that going on. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  5. #5
    cyberdan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Could be they just left the state, lots of that going on. Mike
    Yes, well off tax payers are leaving in droves. But, homeless and illegals are more than filling that void.

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