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Getting started

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  1. #1
    happyscrapr started this thread.
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    Getting started

    I've watched a lot of YouTube video's on scrapping and I have some questions. I'm looking to start a side gig and aside from picking my local area I'm searching for a revenue stream that I could invest in (motors, motherboards etc) and scrap/hold. I've got some space issues so I can't have a yard full of washers and refrigerators etc. I'm happy to take any advice from people who have been there and done that. Thanks in advance for your help.

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  3. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Welcome to SMF and the source of all information on scrapping. Our library is full of information that you might find useful. Use the advanced search bar in the upper right hand corner of this page to search to your hearts delight. To address your question, appliances are not a money maker unless you have a truck, trailer, and steady accounts. You will have to fine your niche in your area. The forum is full of individuals that have found their way in an area. Everyone has a unique business plan based on the area, their resources, and contacts. Without additional information about your location, tools, and transport available it is hard to make any recommendations. Good luck to you.

    Give back more to this world than we take.

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