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NIckel chrome wire?

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  1. #1
    brynlea started this thread.
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    NIckel chrome wire?

    Hi there. My late husband worked in metallurgy and socked away some of the nickel wire used to re-coat industrial dies/parts by melting in the spray equipment he sold. We are moving and I am trying to find somewhere to take this to sell - but all of the local metal recyclers tell me they don't take nickel (?) Help!

  2. #2
    CopperMiner is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    If the cash value doesn't matter to you and you just want to get rid of it, simply dump it on the scrap steel heap at any scrap yard. If you want to recover the full scrap cash value, it is a bit more tricky. If most yards don't buy it, that's because they don't generate enough volume of that metal to resell them to the bigger guys. Nickel is was less common than steel or aluminum. Also, if the wire is nickel-chromium, it is an alloy and not pure nickel, it is another commodity to them. You may want to call the bigger regional yards that serve several commercial and industrial customers (instead of local general yards), but it can be easier to post a classified on Craigslist or Marketplace, if someone wants to buy for what it is.
    NEW TO SCRAPPING? READ THIS: Build up your horde of magnetic and non-magnetic metals in two piles until you have a better understanding of the business. Magnetic material has low value and is mostly always steel / shred / short iron. Read old threads about non-magnetic metals and ewaste (and how to sort them), but don't forget that they generally have absolutely no tolerance for contamination (screw / iron / foreign material).

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  4. #3
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    I just checked ebay and suggest you do the same. Start by putting in nickel chromium wire in the search box. When you get the results go to the far left column and check the box for "sold". Sorry if this is something you already know but others read these threads. The only prices that count are the sold ones. Beware that shipping costs are higher than you expect. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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