Originally Posted by
It is considered bad form(manners) to advertise for business in the introduction section. Had you just introduced yourself and said hi, you would have gotten a warm welcome. However it would not have been within 40 minutes. Just letting you know so maybe you will have some success in the future on OTHER forums.
It is nice to see that China is having it's industrial revolution improving the lives of the citizens of that country, but most of us are tired of the horrible stuff that has been dumped in our market as a result of it. Drywall that eats a house from the inside out, baby formula that kills kids, dog food that kills dogs, toys with lead paint, and anything else that breaks in 5 minutes from the start of using it.
Sorry that all just came out in your intro thread, just letting you know that you probably will not get any business from the members here.
/steps off of soap box and grabs another cup of coffee.
Now, if you want to hang out and contribute to our forum, please feel welcome. We like hearing about scrapping in other countries and the prices that people are getting for scrap as well as the success and failure stories that come along with it.
Well ,sir .self introduction is another kind of advertisement .it just advertise urself and to let the others know u and understand what happened to u ,as for this matter ,i don't think that i have done the wrong thing . I also talked about myself and talk about my business ,i.e. provide scrap steel infoamtions ,and also wanna learn something here ,that is to learn about the oversea scrap markets .Furthur more ,this is not an advertisement ,maybe when i speak myself ,i would speak something about my family about my school ,about my business ,do u think that is ads ?
And as for what u mentioned the China's industrail revolution , the bad things u have mentioned are also what we donot want to happen ,and it is also the things that i could control ,or maybe i could say that it has nothing to do with me ,I am a Chinese ,but does that mean i should be reposible for all the other CHinese guys who just done the wrong things? It seems that u cared about Chinese news alot ,i know that a lot of people in the USA would chose to use Chinese products ,why ,cuz they r cheap ,and not so bad .A lot of the famous brand or big brand ,such as Versace / Ck /LV or NIKE and many other would chose Chinese to be their producers .Many alot of there famous brand products are made in China ,so is that possible for all the "made in China" are bad .I totally can not agree ur opinion such as "i chose to use this ,but i would not admit it " because that's ur choice ,and choice is a reflection of ur character and nature,if u donot respect ur choice ,that is u donot repect urself ,how could u make the others repect u ?
SIR ,never judge the others' feet by your shoes .and donot tell the others how to do .cuz ,u r not the god ,and nobody endows the right .
BUT , i should thank u ,because u tell me something about what u guys think ,this is relly what i have to learn about the difference between CHinese and the others .
Anyway ,thank u ,maybe i have done the wrong thing ,but that does not mean i would be an illbred .
furthur more .do not tell me that u have never ever and would never use CHINESE products.