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| Introduce yourself
  1. #1
    The24HourMC started this thread.
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    hello. I guess I'm supposed to tell a bit about myself here. well,
    I'm a novice scrapped. just started really taking it seriously recently. my cousin came by one day and put me on. he showed me a 500 dollar receipt and started telling me a little bit about what it was all about and I soaked it all up.
    about a week later he took me with him on his Monday route. it was a pretty decent load. found a house where I guess the guy repairs fridges because there was 3 cans full of nothing but brand new packaged fridge materials. bunch of copper and steel. picked up about 6 32inch tube TVs and a couple computer moniters.
    we proceeded to take things apart and found quite a few wires with some thick copper in them. so little I knew, that I let him take the majority of the TVs and computers and wires for himself while he promised to come back and scrap everything else with me later.
    needless to say it never came up again, so I just said **** it and scrapped it all myself and been solo from then on.
    well im from new York, right now in long island area, 24 years old, not working and such and so forth.
    I guess that's about it. looking to learn learn learn about this business as much as possible and maximize income and stay out of trouble. have a wonderful day.

    Last edited by The24HourMC; 08-16-2011 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard lots to read and learn on this forum.

  3. #3
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    welcome 24hr.....little confused about your experience with your friend. You said he took you with him on HIS route. Then later, you said you let him take xyz and you kept xyz for yourself. Please help me understand why YOU chose what he could take and you could keep. I hope I'm wrong, but if it went down like you wrote it, I'm not sure I blame your friend for not coming back.

  4. #4
    The24HourMC started this thread.
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    well we agreed in the beginning to split everything 50/50 , but as we were breaking everything down I noticed he slipped a few extras into his crate and took them with him when he left. since it was my first time and he was teaching me and he is my cousin I didn't mind. then he came back a few days later and grabbed the TVs and such claiming he would pay my share back on the next run or simply give me a 70/30 cut next time. He never showed up again and I found out later that what he took was mostly all of the profit, leaving me with a small fraction of it.

  5. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    Education costs.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  6. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    well, now you've been led to this forum !!! You have the advantage now ! Read all the old threads and educate yourself so you can surpass your cousin.

  7. #7
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Welcome! I would think or that experience with your cousins as an admission fee to a training course. Sure he cut you out of a couple hundred bucks, but it opened up a door where you can make that few hundred bucks back a couple times over on a good weekend! Good luck!

  8. #8
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    yep lesson 1 , 2, 3 , and four all in one ;0

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