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    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Hi Folks!

    Scrappin' Sifu here saying "Hello" from beautiful downtown northeastern Pennsylvania, home of coal-mine subsidences, frequent floodings and cheese steaks.

    I'm new to the scrapping business, at least AS a business, but after my first four hours of working it - and splitting $500 three ways with my 2 "helpers" - I think I'm hopelessly addicted.

    Nice to find this forum, and I'm looking forward to trading war stories with y'all!

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard mate. I see you consider yourself a wise teacher. Or at least you do imply.

    I hope you do have much to offer.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 09-26-2011 at 03:47 PM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

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  4. #3
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to our little family....As the newest member you are, of course, required to buy the beer.....I am sure that a dozen kegs would do it...Oh and don't forget the pretzels!

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  6. #4
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Yah-ah-Teh, Injunjoe!

    I'm "semi-retired" from teaching Taijiquan and practicing Chinese medicine for over 30 years - got rid of my school and clinic and just have a few private students left. I was looking for something to do to stay busy and in shape (and make a few bucks while I'm at it!) and it seems this just might be the ticket.

    Thank you ("xie-xie" ) for the welcome!

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  8. #5
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    Welcome to our little family....As the newest member you are, of course, required to buy the beer.....I am sure that a dozen kegs would do it...Oh and don't forget the pretzels!
    Gah! I KNEW there'd be a catch!

    I'm in PA - how about Jenny Light and pigs knuckles?

  9. #6
    Filthy's Avatar
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    pigs knuckles sound good.. but i dont drink...

    welcome, fam
    We're the renegades of Junk!

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  11. #7
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Say your quotes about, hello and helpers, along with the mention of floods seems to speak a whole new story.

    I just hope you are NOT another scamming POS.

    NOT saying you are, but seems like we are getting more and more all the time.

    Great money you 3 made in short period of time! Please do share how this went or how others on the forum could do or learn to do the same action?

    Thanks; injunoe

    Edit: My comments stand as to weed out undesirables but you had post before my third world connection would allow me to.
    Welcome to the board.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 09-26-2011 at 04:07 PM.

  12. #8
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    pigs knuckles sound good.. but i dont drink...

    welcome, fam
    That's OK - the last time Southern Comfort passed my lips I still had hair on my head.

    Thanks for the welcome!

  13. #9
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Say your quotes about, hello and helpers, along with the mention of floods seems to speak a whole new story.
    We just had the worst flood since 1912 here - the mighty Susquehana River - and my OTHER "retirement" job - bouncer in a strip club - washed away along with the club.

    I just hope you are NOT another scamming POS.

    NOT saying you are, but seems like we are getting more and more all the time.
    No, not a scammer. Of course, I realize that's what a scammer would say, but I guess time will tell. I just came to this place through a link at another site - I'm researching the h*ll out of scrapping, trying to shorten the learning curve.

    Great money you 3 made in short period of time! Please do share how this went or how others on the forum could do or learn to do the same action?
    Maybe I can post a "My First Pick"-kinda' post, if those haven't been done to death already ...
    Last edited by Scrappin' Sifu; 09-26-2011 at 04:13 PM. Reason: typo

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  15. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Well thank you! I did not want to jump the gun there but... you don't want Dee getting first dibs at the newb's!!! She's a real tiger at times yet just a kitten at others!

  16. #11
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    you say chi, I say ki....yin and yang and all that jazz...ate macro, practiced some I'm scrappin'....looks like we have a lot in common. If I weren't already committed to marry olddude if he ever gets rid of that "wench" of his, I'd think you and I were meant to be !! Jk..(that's "Just kidding" for olddude) Welcome to the forum...glad you found us. Cheers with Bancha tea !

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  18. #12
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappin' Sifu View Post
    That's OK - the last time Southern Comfort passed my lips I still had hair on my head.

    Thanks for the welcome!
    Ah yes, Southern Comfort, those were the days....I remember them well...Ok so I don't remember a darn thing except for the next morning with a hairy tongue and a marching band playing in my head

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  20. #13
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    you say chi, I say ki....yin and yang and all that jazz...ate macro, practiced some I'm scrappin'....looks like we have a lot in common. If I weren't already committed to marry olddude if he ever gets rid of that "wench" of his, I'd think you and I were meant to be !! Jk..(that's "Just kidding" for olddude) Welcome to the forum...glad you found us. Cheers with Bancha tea !
    Ahhh, thank you m'Lady Dee - I can feel the Ki/Qi/Chi flowing through my Governing and Conception Channels as we speak!

    You look so young in your profile pic, I'm already envious of OldDude!

    Thank you for the welcome!

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  22. #14
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    Ah yes, Southern Comfort, those were the days....I remember them well...Ok so I don't remember a darn thing except for the next morning with a hairy tongue and a marching band playing in my head
    Still - it's better than a marching tongue and a hairy band playing ...

  23. #15
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    So are you going to tell us of this great scrap day or perhaps I should ask?

  24. #16
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    So are you going to tell us of this great scrap day or perhaps I should ask?
    Sorry, Joe - got caught up in some "stuff".

    We started off at 6:30AM and hit a dozen or so roadside party spots, where the kids go drinking. Sure enough, we hauled out enough Al to fill the back of a Durango. We then scrapped a friend of my partner's garage, which resulted in several heavy pry bars, some old floor fans, coils of fencing (it's on a farm) and a lot of old exercise equipment - the old-style exercise bikes with the flywheels, iron plates, etc. Some more miscellaneous farm equipment to finish filling the trailer and we hit the recycle center.

    It's now 9AM; we hit a few of the flood-damaged areas that are stacking business and home scrap on the street. Pay-dirt - a commercial kitchen that was being totally redone and didn't want to bother with the recycling. We filled truck and trailer with SS hoods, shelving, even a monster Hobart mixing bowl. Got back to the recycle center and finished up around 11AM.

    I had a private class to teach at 1PM and my partners had some errands to run so we called it quits for the day. Kind of wimpy I know, but for a first-day pick I thought we did pretty well.

    My partners (husband and wife) are long-time friends of mine - she's a former dancer and he was the DJ at my club - and we're all sort of at odds at the moment. He's training for a CDL; she just graduated from a medical tech school and is job-hunting; and I'm a "displaced person" since both my bouncing job and my apartment (second floor of the club) disappeared in the flood. They're moving at the end of October and demand I come with them - they have the basement apartment already set up for me - and since I'm a bit of a monk (divorced and Taoist - a deadly combination!) that will suit me fine for the foreseeable future. We all get along together great and we all need extra money right now, so scrapping was an idea of mine that they embraced.

  25. #17
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Good luck S.S. as business and friends don't mix too well. And welcome to the forum,,, The other one you mentioned has some excellent tips for beginners.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 09-26-2011 at 10:04 PM.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  27. #18
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Good luck S.S. as business and friends don't mix too well. And welcome to the forum,,, The other one you mentioned has some excellent tips foe beginners.
    Thanks, Mechanic!

    As for friends and business ... I know. That's the only thing that concerns me right now. I don't know if this is going to go full-time/pro level, but if it does I'd imagine that's where the big problems would start - especially seeing as how I was self-employed for so many years. I've developed a cranky-old-man-do-it-my-way mentality in a lot of things.

  28. #19
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappin' Sifu View Post
    I've developed a cranky-old-man-do-it-my-way mentality in a lot of things.
    Welcome to the forum, I like your way of thinking.
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  30. #20
    Scrappin' Sifu started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Welcome to the forum, I like your way of thinking.
    Thanks KZB!

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