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Welcome and your first tool should be a sawsall....
You meant a MAGNET right??
Don't leave home without one!
I have been in the 'tool game' for about 15 yers, sales reps, sales manager, brand manager etc..
I rekon (in my humble opinion) the list should go like this...
1/. MANGET - can eliminate embarassing moments if used regularly!
(sort thr ferrous from the non)
2/. Phillips Screwdriver - next to my maganet, this gets most use
(Yep! this removes screws)
3/. Utility Knife (good quality with replaceble blades, not the snap off blade strips)
(cuts rope, string, small wires, insulation tape, and makes an awesome
wire stripper with practice)
4/. Mid size (6 or 8in) adjustable wrench(remove items you don't want, or access ones you do, use to partialy break down items for ease of loading etc)
5/. Small pry bar, or sturdy flat blade screwdriver
(persuades parts to detach themselves..I MUCH prefer a prybar over an S.D purpose designed, usually much stronger, smaller and lighter for the same amount of leverage gained)
So thats my TOP 5!!
Basic, and cheap, but I have these in plastic contaioners in both cars, attached to my trailer, and in both sheds, so I am never without them
**For ME these 5 items do at least 95% or all my work**
Begin with these and some good quality gloves and safety glasses, and then if need arrises, grab youself a saws-all, angle grinder, cordless screwdriver, plasma cutter, or whatever..but use your noodle, get the basics first
Hope that helps you a bit