Hi Guys,

Joined today and impressed with the amount of freely given info here!

I'm from England (the old one) and i've been mainly scrapping out old IT systems.
I mainly go for the "easy" Gold and Silver but have just lately been taking an interest in the copper and aluminium which, in the past, i just let the local gyppo's take away.

I have also, in the past, taken the Platinum group metals out of Catalytic Converters but decided that it is way too much hard work.

For me, this is a hobby/part time business....i drive trains for a living.

I am interested in learning new recovery techniques, methods of metal identification and also how i can melt the metals into dore bars for shipping to my local refiners.

I would also be interested in chatting to fellow scrappers in the UK as to what might be required when it comes to licenses etc...

In the meantime...lots of reading and maybe a few questions later.

Kind regards