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  1. #1
    ScrapperStoke started this thread.
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    Just found this place!

    SS here, just want to hi and you you for a great site. Friendly Knowledgeable people. Tons of info on value, methods of removal and selling. I got involved with a few guys back in the late 80 that were metal scrappers. When I signed on, they were scrapping used computer computer components whole. Roll'em out of one truck and into a container the next. I was there instant computer geek so to speak. I got them to start to sell to the secondary market. A lot of this stuff was perfectly good...Gov. stuff. We would bid floors of a company's computer inventory or get Gov. contracts for so many lbs. per year. Made a bit of money in the secondary market. But I'm a mechanic at hart hand love working with my hands. I'd be right out there with the help tearing things down. I was also the they would send in to dismantle the DASDs or those big water cool IBM know, the ones that look like big crosses with 1000 miles of wires and plumbing. But the best part was when the new shipments would come in. Gaylords full of who knows what and trucks full of broken down computer systems...the ones on wheels. I was like a kid at Christmas looking through the stuff. Anyway, that was a long time ago but I never gave up the bug.

    See you people around the forum,

  2. #2
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Welcome and love the intro! Good luck getting back into things, theres a lot to read here and tons of helpful info to help maximize your income from scrapping!

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Friendly Knowledgeable people.
    What,, Where,,,?
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  4. #4
    ScrapperStoke started this thread.
    ScrapperStoke's Avatar
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    I just read what I blurted out in my intro...need typing lessons! Maybe some "train of thought" lessons also. Looks like I was stuttering there for awhile. Man, I'm going to have to start proof read before I hit the post button. Thanks for the welcome, it was a great time in my life...4 guys in their early thirties building a e-scrap company back when e-scrap wasn't in a word.


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