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  1. #1
    ScrapDaddy started this thread.
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    Red face Introduction

    Hello, I'm ScrapDaddy. Catchy name huh! I am trying to get into the scrap metal business with HVAC companies as my core business and maybe branching out to other scrap later. I know there is pretty good profit in the copper-fin coils and copper if you cut the steel plate off the ends of the coils. I am a former contractor turned pastor. Pretty big jump but it is a calling and I am trying to do this just to make some extra money. Do you guys think this is a good audience to reach and if I could do pretty good working with other contractors?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    You might still have some contacts in that field, don't overlook any friends or family as a possible contact. Print yourself up some business cards to start out and do a little one on one with them, but don't turn down any metal if you have the room to stockpile, you never know what will come your way. Welcome, There is a ton of helpful info available here.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  3. #3
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Can you mix in a wanted add in this weekends sermen??

    The flock may be able to provide for the sheppard once in a while!


    Welcom in
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  4. #4
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. HVAC scrap tends to be sold. Every company around my area sells there scrap to a scrapper and has been for years.
    The only way I see getting in with a company for there scrap would be to out bid the other guy. The trick is knowing what the other guy is paying, and how much a unit is worth. Some units will not have much value and others will pay out well.

    Just a few things to consider, good luck.

    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

  5. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    I have more luck with stuff nobody else goes after. I've hauled several tons this year of stuff like appliances and just general junk. But I lost two places where I'd been getting batteries, catalytic converters and brake rotors for years to others who'd pay more. I just took up another 1700 lb load of Light Iron this week simply because the stockpile was getting bigger than I wanted. But the whole load I'd gotten free. A lot of the pile is stuff people even brought here and dumped off. I also have several people who give me stuff in exchange for going through my pile for anything they can use. My point is - Don't just join the rat race; you'll be ahead going off by yourself.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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