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New to this forum and to scrapping

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    larrimmus started this thread.
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    New to this forum and to scrapping

    Hi there,

    I have scrapped a little here and there in the last couple of years, but now find myself with very little cash and no job, so thinking about scrapping full time. I am a lawn guy from April 1 to... uh... right about now... first or second week of November.

    My introduction to scrapping came in the winter of 2008 when my cousin asked me to get rid of a couple old cars. I couldn't believe how much they gave me for them! I spoke with the attendant for a while and he told me how much copper was going for (I think $3.35/lb at the time?). I went home and took a look around. I stripped some copper wire from a service changeout I had done years before, loaded all the metal I could find into the trailer and came home with well over $100!

    Anyway... This year I got an old farm house with a bad plumbing and heating system in it, and the cast iron pipes and radiators went for over $500! Now that the lawn season is over I can devote myself to getting into scrapping full time. I live close to an area with a mean income of over $110,000 per year. Every day on Craigslist there are FREE washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, giant TV's, Pianos, among other things, and many are still working fine. I figure I can sell whatever still works where I live (about an hour and a half away), and scrap the rest. I am very excited to find your forum! I'm sure everything I need to know can be found here!

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Saint Louis, MO
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    Good luck I used to do landscaping to that lasted about four months and high school ended. Then i was back on the demo and scrap job sites. Remember this is one of the most fickle and hardest industry to make it in. I don't know how many people I have met over my lifetime that were gungho about scrap but a few months later you never heard of or seen them again. Godspeed.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Welcome, it sounds like you've got something going when you can see the scrap around. Here this might help you when you start breaking stuff down for better value.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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